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Drosophila model for prostate cancer

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Okoro Chiedu

Aug 24, 2023, 10:36:23 AM8/24/23
to FlyBase
I am doing doctoral research on prostate cancer. I am based in Nigeria. How do I get transgenic (prostate cancer) flies for my research studies.

Sian Gramates

Aug 24, 2023, 11:39:44 AM8/24/23
to Okoro Chiedu, FlyBase
Hello Okoro,

You might start with the FlyBase Human Disease Model Reports for prostate cancer; the parent report is here:
From there you can go to the Related Diseases section, which links to reports for individual disease models (there are several). On the individual reports,
there is a section called Genetic Tools, Stocks, and Reagents, that includes links to those things. Also on those pages is a section called Alleles Reported to 
Model Human Disease (Disease Ontology), which reports alleles that have annotated with Disease Ontology terms (the terms used are displayed in that
same section). You can also go to the Term Report for the Disease Ontology term 'prostate cancer':
On that report you'll see a button labeled 'Alleles', which will give you a hit-list of all alleles that have annotated with that term (i.e., curated from a paper).

Both that hit-list and the Human Disease Model Reports will tell you which alleles have available stocks; the stock reports are linked, and include links to
the appropriate stock center. For alleles not available from stock centers, you'll need to contact the corresponding author of publications linked to those alleles.

Sian Gramates, FlyBase

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 10:36 AM Okoro Chiedu <> wrote:
I am doing doctoral research on prostate cancer. I am based in Nigeria. How do I get transgenic (prostate cancer) flies for my research studies.

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