Flutter 3.16.1

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Casey Hillers

Nov 27, 2023, 6:37:18 PM11/27/23
to flutter-...@googlegroups.com
We are pleased to announce the release of Flutter 3.16.1 to the stable channel; This hotfix release addresses the following issues:
  • flutter/138030 - Fixes file deletion crash which can occur during iOS archive.
  • flutter/134716 - Fix iOS 17 keyboard freeze when switching languages.
  • flutter/138180 - Prevents a crash in flutter doctor for macOS users who have an IntelliJ or Android Studio installation with a missing CFBundleIdentifier in its plist.
  • flutter/138040 - Ignore exceptions in Flutter tool when trying to set the echo mode of the terminal when the STDIN pipe has been broken.
  • flutter/124145 - Fixes a JSON array parsing bug that causes seg fault when --coverage is used

In order to get the laters, run `flutter upgrade`.
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