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VS Code extensions v3.44.0

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Danny Tuppeny

Jul 1, 2022, 12:30:18 PM7/1/22
Hi all,

New VS Code extensions have been published. Release notes are below (and online).


  • #3993: A new setting dart.flutterGenerateLocalizationsOnSave allows the Flutter: Generate Localizations command to be run automatically when a .arb file is saved.
  • #4036: The Wrap with widget refactor will no longer sometimes insert snippet placeholders like ${0:widget} in code.
  • #4002: The Wrap with… refactors will no longer sometimes remove escaping backslashes in the modified code.
  • #4007: Running Flutter tests with multiline names on Windows no longer fails with “No tests match regular expression ‘test & exit /B 0’”.
  • #4026: The Flutter: Check Elevations command has been removed because the underlying Flutter service was removed due to changes in layer positioning.


  • #4001@blaugold contributed nesting pubspec_overrides.yaml under pubspec.yaml when explorer.fileNesting is enabled.
  • #3974: The default value of dart.projectSearchDepth has been increased from 3 to 5. This allows projects nested more deeply in your workspace to be found. Additionally, if the search for projects takes more than 1 second a progress indicator will be shown, allowing the search to be stopped early. Results from workspace searches are now also cached for a few minutes to improve performance.
  • #4011: Having folders from both Dart SDK repo and non-Dart SDK repo in the workspace no longer tries to use pub or dart test (which are not available for Dart SDK repo projects).
  • #3990: A new setting dart.runPubGetOnNestedProjects allows running pub get for nested parent/child projects when a pubspec.yaml is modified. This may be useful where you have nested projects with path dependencies (such as an example project) where both projects package_config.json files need regenerating when adding dependencies to one.


  • #4032: The Test: Run All Tests command no longer fails if the workspace contains integration tests that are not valid for the current device. Instead, they will be skipped.

Features/Fixes Enabled with Future SDKs

These items rely on changes to the Dart/Flutter SDKs that have not yet been released to stable channels. They will show up automatically when you update your SDK in future (or if using beta/development channels depending on the exact version).

  • #3950: Code Actions such as Dart: Sort Members and Organize Imports will now fail silently if configured to run on-save (via editor.codeActionsOnSave) and show errors if invoked manually.
  • #4020: Ctrl+Click on constructor declarations now automatically searches for references (depending on VS Code settings) as it already did for other types of declarations.
  • #4017: The fun snippet to create functions has been restored.
  • #4000: The Dart: Convert Method to Getter and Dart: Convert Getter to Method refactors will no longer show up in locations where they are not valid (and would error if selected).
  • #4029: The Dart: Extract Method refactor no longer shows up for import prefixes.
  • #4027: Code completion will no longer sometimes insert a literal (...) instead of parameter placeholders (affected Dev builds only).
  • #3943: Code completion for symbols that start with $ that are not yet imported will no longer insert duplicate $s when selected.
  • #3945: Error messages shown when trying to launch DevTools for a build that does not support it have been improved.
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