Flutter DevTools 2.2.1 Release Notes
A Suite of Performance Tools for Dart and Flutter
Add report feedback button (bug icon) to top level actions in DevTools #2925
Support passing keypresses up to IDEs to enable shortcut keys when embedded DevTools has focus #2872
Support search in file. CMD + f / CTRL + f opens the source code search bar. Pressing escape or clicking the close button (“X”) hides the search bar and clears the search results #2931
Go To Line Number Option (CMD + g / CTRL + g) #2902
Improve debug hover card experience #2936
Support "fuzzy match" in debugger libraries search #2904
Support copying the file path in the debugger #2875
Fix scrolling with drag #2907
Add image preview for http responses #2922
Add rich auto-complete and improve keyboard controls #2962
Up/Down arrows: cycle through the auto-complete list
Enter/Tab: search for the item selected
Escape: close the pop-up (when pop-up is open) / clear the search field (when pop-up is closed)
Fix "Count" text getting cut off when sorting #2898
Each trace plotted is now a stacked chart. The hover card properly reports each trace’s filled color area or colored dash. #2889
Improve flame chart search performance by ~27x #2959
Render GC and non-ui/non-raster events in their respective thread groups #2917
Fix focus management in timeline flame chart #2883
Add previous/next event in thread buttons to the Timeline #2878
Fix a couple bugs with flame chart styling and zoom #2873
Add source paths to CPU profile bottom up and call tree tables #2956
Fix sorting issues #2940
More details about changes and fixes are available in our changelog.
Flutter DevTools 2.2.3 Release Notes
A Suite of Performance Tools for Dart and Flutter
Thank you to Remi Rousselet for implementing this conditional screen that lets you view and tweak providers in your application!
More details about changes and fixes are available in our changelog.
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