Dart & Flutter VS Code extensions v3.88.0

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Danny Tuppeny

May 1, 2024, 10:00:06 AMMay 1
to flutter-...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

New versions of the VS Code extensions have been published. Release notes are below (and online).


  • #5062: The “Open online interactive samples” CodeLenses no longer lead to 404 for mixins and extension types.
  • #5052: The emulator list no longer sometimes contains logging output from the Android SDK.


  • #5061: Nested brackets inside string interpolation no longer cause rainbow brackets to appear mismatched.
  • #5060: Opening a project with a large number of TODO diagnostics will now prompt to turn off reporting diagnostics for TODOs.
  • #5056: The “Go to Augmentation” CodeLens will bring an existing open file to the front if the file is open in a different editor group.
  • #4960macro and augmentation keywords used in future language experiments are now colored by the TextMate grammar.


  • #4951: Running tests from CodeLens now obeys the testing.openTesting setting (note: this also requires this fix in VS Code itself to ship before the fix will work).


  • #5079: A regression that re-introduced global evaluation errors (“Unable to find the library”) has been fixed.


  • #5051: The “Add SDK to PATH” command no longer incorrectly adds quotes around the path added to the environment variable.
  • #4774: A new “Find Test/Implementation File” command has been added that works like “Go to Test/Implementation” but if no target file is found, opens a file quick-pick that searches for the file name.


  • #5083: Opening DevTools in the browser now defaults to the new DevTools homepage (for SDK versions that include it).
  • #4748: Restarting the Dart analysis server no longer results in duplicated Dart DevTools entries in the language status area.

Flutter Sidebar

  • #5071: The Flutter sidebar is now automatically reloaded when the VS Code theme changes.
  • #5049: An issue that prevented the Flutter sidebar from loading when using some pre-release versions of Flutter has been resolved.


  • #5018: Dart and Flutter processes are no longer spawned in shells where they are not required. This should reduce the chance of processing being orphaned when some processes aren’t shut down cleanly.

Features/Fixes Enabled with Future SDKs

The following items depend on changes to the Dart/Flutter SDKs that have not yet been released to stable channels. They may be able to test in the current beta/master channels and will show up in future SDK releases.

  • #5045: Flutter Outline is now available for files in packages and the SDK that aren’t explicitly part of the workspace.
  • #5064: The “Go to Augmented” CodeLens now shows up for augmentations of augmentations.
  • #4968: The code preview shown in hovers when holding cmd/ctrl now only shows the hovered variable and not all variables in the same declaration list.
  • #5068: The color picker should now preserve const keywords where appropriate.
  • #5065: “Find All References” on an invocation of a getter/setter now includes all references to both setter and getter.
  • #5005: Hovering over an extension type now includes more information about the declaration.
  • #4986: When toString() is invoked automatically in debug views, long strings are now truncated for performance reasons and consistency with other views. Evaluation in the debug console or using “Copy Value” from the context menu will still provide the full untruncated value.
  • #4943: Factory constructor arguments are no longer missing type information in code completion details.

Upstream Issues

Some feature requests and fixes require new features and fixes in upstream projects like VS Code and LSP which use counts of 👍s on those issues to help gauge demand. The Dart-Code website now lists some of the most significant upstream issues with a description of the feature/fix they would enable. Please consider reviewing this list and adding your 👍 to any GitHub issues relevant to features you’d like to see!


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