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Change the dark theme elevation overlay to use the colorScheme.onSurface

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Darren Austin

Oct 2, 2019, 6:33:14 PM10/2/19

Proposed change

The Material Dark Theme spec has been updated (or soon will be) to clarify that the elevation overlay that is applied to surface colors to indicate elevation should be based off of the colorScheme.onSurface color and not white.

This is simple to fix, but will potentially break apps that were depending on it being white and not the onSurface color. This is likely of minimal impact, as this feature was just introduced and if an app is using the base Material dark theme (i.e. using ColorScheme.dark()), the surface color is white so there won't be any visible difference.

Issue for this: #41826
Potential PR: #41857

How to update your app

If your app absolutely requires the overlay to be based on white, you can adjust your colorScheme to use white for the onSurface color.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please let me know by commenting on the issue or PR listed above.


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