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Flutter 3.13.4

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Kevin Chisholm

Sep 13, 2023, 4:43:18 PM9/13/23
to Flutter Public Announcements (flutter-announce)

We are pleased to announce the release of Flutter 3.13.4 to the stable channel; This hotfix release addresses the following issues:

  • dart/53449 - Fixes a dart2js issue causing a compiler crash when using a typed record pattern outside of the scope of a function body.
  • dart/53450 - Fixes a pause in the debugger when reaching an unhandled exception.
  • flutter/133658 - Fixes crash when using the --analyze-size argument.
  • flutter/133890 - Fixes incorrect autocorrect highlights in text fields in iOS 17.
  • flutter/134468 - Fixes an issue where users are not able to input text for IME language in iOS 17.
  • flutter/45742 - Fixes CVE-2023-4863 - Security vulnerability in WebP.

In order to get the latest, run ‘flutter upgrade’.

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