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Flutter IntelliJ Plugin M59 Release

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Steve Messick

Aug 2, 2021, 12:25:40 PM8/2/21

Flutter IntelliJ Plugin M59 Release

Icon Font Image Previews

There are a number of icon packages available at Many of those that are distributed with a *.ttf font file can now be previewed in the editor, as Material and Cupertino icons have been.

To enable icon previews you need to tell the plugin which packages you are using. There is a new text field in the plugin settings/preferences page:

Note that this works for icons defined as static constants in a class, as shown in the sample code in the screen shot. It won’t work for expressions like LineIcon.addressBook() or LineIcons.values['code'], for example.

If you are the author of an icon package, please ensure your package works with this new feature. If it does not, please create an issue in our repo. Note that there are a few packages that are known to not work; they are mentioned in the sample code.

Define Environment Variables for Desktop Platforms

For Desktop platform launches, it is now possible to define custom environment variables.

You can edit the text directly or use the structured editor accessed by the icon to the right of the field. The environment variable editor dialog includes an option to omit parent environment variables. We ignore that setting. Flutter requires some parent environment variables.

AppCode Integration

If you are a fan of AppCode, we have good news! You can now open the iOS module directly in AppCode, just as you’ve been doing for Xcode. There’s a new menu item Open iOS module in AppCode, parallel to the Xcode one.

Caveat: The module must have been opened by AppCode previously for it to be opened by this menu item. If AppCode launches but does not open the module, just navigate to it and open it; the next time it will do what you expect.

Jump to Cursor When Opening Android Studio

The Open for editing in Android Studio menu item opens the current file in a new window of Android Studio. And now, thanks to a contribution by Github user hrishikesh-kadam, it also locates the cursor at the same position as in the original editor. Thanks for the contribution!

Supported Platforms

Android Studio

  • Stable (4.2)

  • Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1


  • 2020.2, 2020.3

  • 2021.1, 2021.2 RC

We are working on (limited) support for Android Studio canary (Bumblebee) but it is not ready yet.

Notable Improvements

  • Stop displaying Flutter tool windows for non-Flutter projects

  • Fix a couple of problems with embedded Inspector display on Linux

  • Update live templates to not use double underscores; thanks spkersten on Github

  • Detect repeated Flutter daemon crashes and provide a recovery hint

Plugin Repository Engineering Productivity Improvements

Powermock replaced with mockito

This is only of interest to contributors, but is worth mentioning. We’ve replaced the powermock library with mockito for unit testing. You shouldn’t have to do anything to get the change, but be aware that in new unit tests you’ll want to use mockito APIs.

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