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VS Code extensions v3.12 - Embedded DevTools preview, Cupertino Icons/Colors...

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Danny Tuppeny

Jun 26, 2020, 12:00:12 PM6/26/20
to Flutter Dev

Hi all,

v3.12 of the VS Code extensions have been published. Release notes below/online.

Preview: Embedded DevTools

#1488/#2578: A new setting (dart.previewEmbeddedDevTools) has been added that allows running DevTools embedded inside the VS Code window. This feature is experimental and requires DevTools v0.2.6 or later.

DevTools will become disconnected when you stop a debug session but if you leave the window open, it will be automatically reconnected when you start a new debug session.

Cupertino Icons and Colors

#2150/#2149: Cupertino icons and colors are now rendered in the gutter in addition to Material icons and colors.

Debugger inspect()

#2137/#2560: Calling dart:developer’s inspect() function will now print the object to the Debug Console in an expandable form allowing properties to be examined similar to the variables/watch panels.

Note: This only works for non-Widget classes as the Widget Inspector also uses this function in order to navigate source code.

Improved Outlines

#2475/#2515: Both the Flutter Outline and standard Outline trees have been updated with some additional labels (including return values and text/icons for Text/Icon widgets).

Update Imports on Rename

#2482/#2507: The update-imports-on-rename functionality added in the last release is now enabled by default. Set "dart.updateImportsOnRename": false in your VS Code user settings to disable this.


  • #2579: Colors constructed using hex values (for example Color.fromARGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)) will no longer show the wrong color in the gutter.
  • #2529: “Unknown Outline item! MIXIN” will no longer show in the debug console when editing documents containing mixins.
  • #2487/#2506BootBlock enabled the “ignore lint quick-fix” by default (set "dart.showIgnoreQuickFixes": false to disable these).
  • #2163: The dart.previewNewCompletionPlaceholders setting has been folded into the dart.insertArgumentPlaceholders setting.
  • #1946: A one-time prompt will be shown offering to write the recommended Dart settings to your VS Code user settings file.


  • #2503: The PUB_HOSTED_URL environment variable is now used when checking for new versions of DevTools/webdev/Stagehand (this prevents update checks failing for some users - for example in China).


  • #1850: Flutter’s structured error messages are now enabled at startup flag, avoiding a race condition that used to exist when enabling them after the app started.
  • #2582: Devices will no longer sometimes fail to be detected if another Flutter process had the Flutter startup lock when the device daemon was spawned.


  • #2554: Restarting a dynamically started Dart debug session (for example from CodeLens or a test runner command) will no longer sometimes start a debug session using configuration from launch.json when clicking the Restart button.
  • #2541BootBlock contributed a fix to stop sending multiple kill signals to the same process when ending debug sessions.
  • #2531: The prompt for a VM Service URL when attaching to processes now supports ws and wss protocols.
  • #2528: The “You have a breakpoint outside of your workspace” warning will no longer appear when you have set the debugger to break in SDKs/packages.
  • #2518: Debugger tooltips when hovering over a closure no longer show errors.
  • #2513: Running a Dart script in the terminal without debugging will no longer leave the debug session around even after the process ends requiring you to click Stop.
  • #2082: Running all tests using "program": "test/" in launch.json for Flutter apps will now automatically run without debugging (debugging while running all tests is not supported for Flutter).
  • #2496: When using the Web-Server device (and the Dart Debug extension) a better message will be displayed when waiting for the debug extension to connect.
  • #2516:/#2540BootBlock switched the debuggers custom dart.progress events for standard debug-adapter-protocol progress events improving interopability for other editors using Dart-Code’s debug adapter.


Some issues have been fixed in the LSP server in the Dart SDK. These fixes only apply when using the preview LSP support ("dart.previewLsp": true in your VS Code user settings) and when using a new enough version of the Dart/Flutter SDKs (which may not yet include stable channels).

  • #2572: Go-to-Definition on an import that has an alias will no longer show multiple locations (one being the alias) and instead jump straight to the file.
  • #2535: Go-to-Definition on a var/final keyword will no longer show multiple locations (one being the variable name) and instead jump straight to the definition for the type of the varxiable.


  • #2501: Many references to “Observatory” have been updated to “VM Service” to distinguish between Observatory (the Dart debugging web app) and the VM Service (an API for the VM).
  • #2565: A regression in VS Code v1.46.0 caused some “run without debugging” sessions to incorrectly run with debugging. This was fixed by the v1.46.1 release of VS Code.
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