VS Code extensions v3.40

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Danny Tuppeny

May 2, 2022, 11:26:49 AM5/2/22
to flutter-...@googlegroups.com

Hey all!

New versions of the VS Code extensions have been published. Release notes are below (and online). If you encounter any issues with them, please file them on GitHub. Thanks!


  • #3913: Previews for Flutter icons that begin with reserved terms (like tryclassnewswitch) now appear correctly in Dartdocs.
  • #3912: When the flutter tool is run for the first time by the extension, the Output pane containing welcome text will remain visible instead of closing automatically.


  • #3937: The Debug: Select & Start Debugging command now includes a launch configuration for each available device. Clicking the cog icon will create a specific launch configuration in launch.json for that specific device, regardless of the current selected device.
  • #3918: Hot Restart no longer sometimes causes errors to be written to the VS Code developer console when an application has more than one isolate.


  • #3924: The setting dart.flutterCreateOffline has been renamed to dart.offline and now passes --offline to other commands (such as pub get) in addition to flutter create.
  • #3920: A new setting dart.devToolsLocation replaces dart.embedDevTools to configure where DevTools should be launched. The default setting "beside" behaves the same as the previous embedding (opening in a tab beside the current editor). "active" open over the top of the current editor (which can be full-width). "external" opens in an external browser window.


  • #3922file:/// links for Dart files in the embedded terminal are now detected more reliably and should not lead to “Invalid file path” errors after clicking.
  • #3938: Activations of the Dart extension in workspaces that do not contain Dart/Flutter projects (such as when VS Code requests dynamic debug configs while working on another project) will no longer trigger Dart SDK update notifications.
  • #3919: Opening a project with no pubspec.yaml will no longer suppress the notification if a Dart SDK cannot be found.
  • #3933: The dart-lang/sdk repo is again detected correctly, disabling automatic pub get and related commands.

Features/Fixes Enabled with Future SDKs

These items rely on changes to the Dart/Flutter SDKs that have not yet been released to stable channels. They will show up automatically when you update your SDK in future (or if using beta/dev channels that already include the SDK parts of these changes).

Server-Provided Code Snippets

#3904: When using a new enough SDK, the local code snippets are suppressed and snippets will be provided by the Dart LSP server. Server-provided snippets are contextual and can adapt to your project settings and language version, including:

  • #2059: Only snippets that are valid at the current location are shown (for example the class or stful snippets are only shown at the top level, and if and switch are not shown at the top level).
  • #3347: Nullability suffixes ? are only included when null saftey is enabled.
  • #3899Super parameters may be used when available.
  • #3582List<String> args are not included in main() functions for test files.

Go to Type Definition

#3833: Go to Type Definition allows navigating to the definition of a type of a symbol without first needing to navigate to the symbols definition.


  • #3921: When using the new SDK debugger implementations (dart.experimentalSdkDaps), detaching from a Flutter process will remove breakpoints and automatically resume.
  • #3837: The --multidex/--no-multidex flag now works correctly for launches of flutter run through the VS Code debugger (including defaulting to enabled).


  • #3934: The ordering of diagnostics will now remain stable during typing (where the specific diagnostics do not change) to avoid VS Code’s Peek Error (F8) functionality from changing the selected error during typing.
  • #3932: The var keyword is no longer highlighted differently when used in a for loop for some themes.
  • #3929: Opening loose .dart files that are not part of a project (with a pubspec.yaml or analysis_options.yaml) will no longer sometimes cause some “File is not being analyzed” errors during startup.
  • #3906: Code completion for the named argument children: [] will no longer insert [] if completion is invoked on the children label and a value is already present.
  • #3892: Accepting code completion suggestions should no longer sometimes delete additional characters when the system is under load/slow.
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