VS Code extension v3.22 - Integration testing, new refactors, ...

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Danny Tuppeny

May 3, 2021, 12:18:30 PM5/3/21
to Flutter Dev
Hey all,

v3.22.0 of the VS Code extensions have been published. Release notes are below (and online).

Flutter Integration Testing

#3009/#3133: Flutter tests inside an integration_test folder are now recognised as tests and run on the selected device. See flutter.dev/docs/testing/integration-tests for more information on using the Flutter SDK’s package:integration_test.

New Refactors

#547/#545: New refactors have been added for Inline Method and Inline Local Variable (requires SDK update).


Items here marked “(requires SDK update)” also rely on changes in the Dart/Flutter SDKs so may not be immediately visible depending on your Dart/Flutter SDK channel.

  • #3303: When using LSP and the completeFunctionCalls setting, code completion will no longer insert additional parenthesis/argument placeholders when they already exist in the document (requires SDK update).
  • #3289: Brackets around references in dartdoc comments are no longer colored inconsistently when using LSP with Semantic Tokens (requires SDK update).
  • #3281: Code completion no longer incorrectly returns results when invoked in a comment right at the end of a file.
  • #3253/#3250: Renaming files that do not need to update any import statements will no longer trigger the VS Code refactor prompt (requires SDK update for LSP, not for non-LSP).
  • #3227: Code completion no longer shows duplicate classes when multple libraries are imported that re-export the same symbols (requires SDK update).
  • #3225: Code folding now works for Enum bodies (requires SDK update).
  • #3211: Code completion now intelligently triggers automatically for LSP when typing imports/slashes/interpolation(requires SDK update).
  • #3248: A new setting dart.automaticCommentSlashes has been added to control the new automatic comment marker behaviour added in the previous release.
  • #3174: Code completion now includes ? in the display of nullable types in signatures and descriptions.


  • #3302: Custom emulators (using flutterCustomEmulators) now show error messages if they fail to launch.
  • #3267: Custom emulators (using flutterCustomEmulators) can now define additional environment variables using the env key.
  • #3258: Automatic Flutter initialization now works even if you have no other Dart SDKs on PATH.
  • #3246: When using embedded DevTools, dart.openDevTools will now open the embedded Inspector page for Flutter apps instead of opening a separate browser. For non-Flutter apps, DevTools will still be launched in a browser.


  • #3294: Custom CodeLens templates can now use exact file paths in their path filter instead of only folders.


  • #3275: Embedded DevTools is now disabled for IDEs like Theia that do not support iframed webviews.
  • #3274: Embedded DevTools are now supported for Remote VS Code sessions where the necessary ports can be forwarded.
  • #3261: VS Code shortcut keys (like the command palette) now work even when embedded DevTools has focus (requires DevTools update).


  • #3301: The experimental flutterDisableVmServiceExperimental setting has been removed.
  • #2853/#3292: Snap support has been simplified and should now work more reliably if you have never run flutter since installing the Snap package.
  • #3257: The New Project commands now spawn in the current window instead of opening new windows.
  • #3256: LSP will no longer be enabled by default for editor versions that do not meet the minimum required version for the LSP client.
  • #3183: Settings that are considered experimental (and may have significant issues) are now more clearly marked in their descriptions.
  • #3300: Enum settings now have improved descriptions for their values when using the VS Code settings UI.
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