Michael Labriola
unread,Feb 13, 2009, 10:05:57 AM2/13/09Sign in to reply to author
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to Fluint Discussions
Fluint 1.1.0 has been released. It is a relatively minor release in
terms of changes to the actual testing framework, but it does have
some great new features, especially for the Continuous Integration
* It now separates failures and error in both the test reporting and
the XML output
* The XML output is now compliant with both JUnitReport and Surefire
* Truly headless execution of the AIR Test Runner via xvfb-run
* Support for relative paths in both the ant tasks and AIR Test Runner
* Modules that don't implement our testing interface no longer cause
problems for the AIR Test Runner
* LogBook integration for debugging
* Reorg of the folder structure and better ant tasks
The features are great, but this release marks another really
important milestone. Over 90% of the code changes in this release were
community contributions. Further, we have enough new contributions,
suggestions and requests that we already are already planning a 1.2.0.
A proposed feature set and timeline for 1.2 will be coming in the next
So, basically, I just wanted to say thank you to those who put in the
effort, both coding and posting, to make this release possible. I am
so very glad the community is taking this project forward and I am
honored to be part of it.
Looking forward to opening the discussion on the next release, there
are some killer features already suggested and prototyped.