How do you tag a value of a tag of an object?

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Aug 3, 2010, 1:12:32 AM8/3/10
to FluidDB Discuss
How do you tag a value of a tag of an object?

How do you get the object id of the value of a tag of an object?

Does the value of a tag of an object have an object id?

Is there an object id for a tag on an object?

For example, with this user named "test",

How do you tag the name?

What is the object id of

Can I do something like

Nicholas Tollervey

Aug 3, 2010, 4:49:09 AM8/3/10
Hi ydfeed,

Thanks for the questions...

On 3 August 2010 06:12, Someone <> wrote:
> How do you tag a value of a tag of an object?

You can't, it's only possible to tag objects. However, you *can* tag
the object representing a tag (note, I don't mean a tag-value - just
making sure I'm as clear as possible).

> How do you get the object id of the value of a tag of an object?

You can't since the value of a tag isn't an object. As mentioned
above, only objects can be tagged. However, you can search for objects
who have a particular tag attached to them (e.g. "has
ntoll/friends/met") or have a particular tag and value associated with
them (e.g. "ntoll/books/rating > 7"). I know this *isn't* what you're
asking for, but it's the closest I can get to it.

> Does the value of a tag of an object have an object id?

Nope :-) (see above)

> Is there an object id for a tag on an object?

All tags and namespaces have an associated object tagged with a
"fluiddb/about" tag value indicating something like "The object
representing the tag ntoll/books/rating". You can also get FluidDB to
tell you the ID of the object representing a tag or namespace by doing
an HTTP GET to a URL like this (for example):

However, there is *not* an object for representing the association of
a specific tag with another object.

> For example, with this user named "test",
> How do you tag the name?

You don't tag the "name", you should tag the object whose
fluiddb/users/name = "test". For example, the object with the id:
d6dfa075-44fc-4807-98b1-88c5b784908e could be tagged by you with the
tag "ydfeed/people/met" and associated value "true".

As I mentioned before, the tag-object relationship isn't itself
represented by an object. Instead, simply tag the object whose id is:

No. :-) Instead you should use something like this:

In summary, you can only tag objects. Tags and namespaces have
associated objects. Tag-values do not.

I hope this is clear. If not please don't hesitate to ask more
questions. I'm more than happy to help.

Have fun with FluidDB!

Best wishes,


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