Fluid Badge Labels Not Working (Gmail)

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Jon Lefave

Oct 19, 2012, 12:27:37 PM10/19/12
to flui...@googlegroups.com
Hi, I've been trying everything to get unread email badge labels to show up on the dock icon for my Gmail account. 
I tried with the latest (Fluid 1.6.1) and older versions (1.2) with no luck.

Here's what I've tried:

- Deleting the app, recreating
- Tried old version (1.2)
- Restarting Mac
- Disabled/Enabled Show Dock badge label option in preferences

Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Or is this only an option for the paid version?

BTW, my Mac is set to US English, as well as Gmail.

I'm running SL 10.6.7.

Todd Ditchendorf

Oct 19, 2012, 1:06:51 PM10/19/12
to flui...@googlegroups.com
See: https://twitter.com/FluidApp/status/252538000725118977


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