2.0 Release this weekend

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Mark Junker

Apr 11, 2018, 12:12:09 PM4/11/18
to FluentMigrator Google Group
Hi @all,

the 2.0 release is coming soon and I hope that there will
be lots of testers, because there will be breaking changes
due to the .NET Standard 2.0 support and several other
new features.

Please help me testing this new release, which can be
obtained from the public MyGet feed:
Please use the gitter chat to get into touch with me:


I'm currently only doing cleanup and bug fixes, but this
is the preliminary changelog:

Breaking changes

  • IQuerySchema.DatabaseType now returns SqlServer2016, etc... and not SqlServer any more
  • Database specific code was moved into its own assemblies
  • IMigrationConventions was renamed to IMigrationRunnerConventions
  • IMigrationContext doesn't contain the IMigrationConventions any more
    • Expression conventions are now bundled in the new IConventionSet
  • ICanBeConventional was removed during the overhaul of the expression convention system


  • Framework: .NET Standard 2.0 support
  • Database:
    • SQL Anywhere 16 support
    • SQL Server 2016 support
    • MySQL:
      • ALTER/DROP DEFAULT value support
    • MySQL 5:
      • New dialect
      • NVARCHAR for AsString
    • SQL Server 2005
      • WITH (ONLINE=ON/OFF) support
      • 64 bit identity support
    • Redshift (Amazon, experimental)
    • Firebird
      • New provider option: Force Quote=true to enforce quotes
  • Unique Constraints: Non-Distinct NULL support (SQL Server 2008 and SQL Anywhere 16)
  • Types: DateTime2 support
  • Dialect: SQLite foreign key support
  • Insert/Update/Delete: DbNull support
  • Expression:
    • IfDatabase: Predicate support
    • IfDatabase: Method delegation support
    • Index: Creation with non-key columns
    • Conventions: Default schema name support
    • SetExistingRowsTo supports SystemMethods
    • Passing arguments to embedded scripts
  • Runner:
    • TaskExecutor: HasMigrationsToApply support
    • Case insensitive arguments support
    • StopOnError flag


  • Project:
    • Moving database specific code from FluentMigrator.Runner to FluentMigrator.Runner.<Database>
    • FluentMigrator is now FluentMigrator.Core
    • Extension methods for - e.g. SqlServer - are now in FluentMigrator.Extensions.SqlServer
  • Database:
    • MySQL: Now announcing SQL scripts
  • Runner:
    • Better error messages
    • ListMigrations: showing (not applied) for unapplied migrations
    • Show (BREAKING) for migrations with breaking changes
    • MSBuild task is available as separate package (with custom .targets file)
    • Use provider default command timeout when no global timeout is set


  • Generic:
    • IAnnouncer.Write


  • Generic:
    • Deprecated functions
    • SchemaDump experiment
    • T4 experiment
  • Framework:
    • .NET Framework 3.5 support
  • Runner:
    • NAnt build task


  • Runner:
    • Match TagAttribute by inheritance
  • Processors (database specific processing of expressions)
    • Using the new SqlBatchParser to parse batches of SQL statements (GO statement support)
  • Database:
    • Hana: Fixed syntax for dropping a primary key
  • Tests:
    • Mark integration tests as ignored when no active processor could be found

Dustin Venegas

Apr 11, 2018, 2:08:34 PM4/11/18
to fluentmigrato...@googlegroups.com

It's amazing to see FluentMigrator up-to-date.

Having started a very small amount of this work; just thank you.


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