Missing (different) log lines from file/Elastic logging

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Gal B

Nov 10, 2021, 7:13:28 AM11/10/21
to Fluentd Google Group

I'm using the Elasticsearch plugin to write logs, as the sole output for a single machine (fluentd is collocated on the same machine as the source of the logs).

I got some 'error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchErrorHandler::ElasticsearchError error="400 - Rejected by Elasticsearch"' errors in the fluentd log, and wasn't able to figure out what is wrong with the formatting by just looking at the errors. So I figured that if I try to output the logs to a file, and check the lines that do not appear on Elastic, things may be more obvious.

I used the following output configuration:

<match REDACTED>
 @type copy
    @type file
    path /var/log/fluent/REDACTED/REDACTED
    append true
      localtime false
    <buffer time>
      timekey_wait 3s
      timekey 60
      timekey_use_utc true
      path /var/log/fluent/REDACTED-file-buffer
      time_format %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z
      localtime false
    @type elasticsearch
    host REDACTED
    port 443
    scheme https
    reload_on_failure false
    reload_connections false
    <buffer tag, time>
        @type file
        path /var/log/fluent/REDACTED_buffer
        timekey 60
        flush_interval 60
        flush_mode interval
    index_name fluentd.${tag}

And this is where it gets weird:
The sample size was of about 1200 log lines. And each log line contains a unique ID. This is how I was able to identify each log line separately.

* There were 8 log lines in Elastic that are not present in the file.
* There were 11 log lines in the file, that are not present in Elastic.

I searched and verified the buffers didn't contain these lines, after the experiment (which ran for about a minute).

I have no indication why these lines are missing.
Note that I'm working with a slightly old version of Fluentd (v1.11.2) due to the use of OpenSearch. And so can't really upgrade at the moment.

Any tips for additional troubleshooting?

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