Multiple Forms Linked (Merged) on single sheet. Can Flubaroo grade these?

瀏覽次數:31 次

2019年1月25日 上午10:22:282019/1/25
收件者:Flubaroo Discussion Forum
Hello everyone I have taken many of my forms for a course and linked them all together as part of the final assessment for my course. I am wondering how, or even if Flubaroo is able to grade these and if so how. Currently I am being told to identify which sheets contain student responses (they all do ... 11 of them).

Flubaroo Joe

2019年1月25日 上午10:29:292019/1/25
收件者:flubaroo discussions
Flubaroo will only work on one response sheet.  

You can create one sheet that contains the answers from all of the separate quizzes.  You will need to use the Vlookup or another function to match the students.

I have been helping with Flubaroo for a long time and this is a first.  If you want to share the spreadsheet, I will attempt to combine the responses.

If you still have a problem please share the spreadsheet and form with with edit rights. 

I will take a look.

Please include some detail about the problem so we can locate the problem quicker.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 10:22 AM <> wrote:
Hello everyone I have taken many of my forms for a course and linked them all together as part of the final assessment for my course. I am wondering how, or even if Flubaroo is able to grade these and if so how. Currently I am being told to identify which sheets contain student responses (they all do ... 11 of them).

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Lawrence Towers

2021年3月11日 下午3:17:022021/3/11
收件者:Flubaroo Discussion Forum
Has this been worked out. Need the same thing a master spreadsheet of all quizzes

Joseph Schmidt

2021年3月11日 下午3:46:002021/3/11
收件者:flubaroo discussions
There are various solutions.  I have not published a video on how to do it.

It is a little more advanced but the steps are:

Have a Master sheet within a separate Spreadsheet.
Use Importrange or some other formula to bring the data from each quiz into a separate sheet in the same spreadsheet as the master.
Use a Vlookup to match the grade to a particular student.

I have seen several other ways of doing this.  You can link the Flubaroo quiz to the master in other methods.

Flubaroo doesn't work well when there are multiple quizzes going to a single spreadsheet.

The important thing is that you are willing to learn and understand the steps.  Once you do that, it will be a lot easier.  

I must admit that I'm a retired IT professional and have been learning about Google spreadsheets and formulas.  I constantly learn a new way of using the tools Google provides.

I'll make the same offer again.  If you share a couple of quizzes and a master list, I can put together 

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