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Updating Wikipedia article

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Paul Morrison

Jan 29, 2021, 12:10:39 PM1/29/21
to Flow Based Programming
Hi fellow FBP Group members!

I note that a Google search for "Flow-Based Programming" still brings up at the top of the list.. which, I guess, is good!  I note however that it has been several years since any substantive additions have been made to this article, which could give the impression that it is an "old" technology!  I think the last significant addition was Joe Witt's NiFi in mid-2018... 

Unfortunately, I am barred from updating this article, due to WP limitations on "self-promotion", so it would be great if some of you could "freshen it up" a bit, by adding new material!  Perhaps someone out there could "take ownership"...!

All the best, and stay safe!

Paul M.

Andy Naimoli

Feb 28, 2021, 12:49:18 PM2/28/21
to Flow Based Programming
Hi everyone! 

I'm performing a research for a PhD on FBP and hopefully I'll add some news but only at the end of the work :)

@PaulMorrison: if, anyway, there are already other valuable infos, you can send me anything useful and I'll add them. Moreover I'd like to contact you directly for academic informations on my research (can't write here also because some contents can't be disclosed before possible publishing)... I'm trying to send an e-mail to the official address found on your site meanwhile. 
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