Fwd: Launching Google Wars

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Harisankar P S

Sep 9, 2010, 3:48:43 PM9/9/10
to cec-c...@googlegroups.com, FLOSS CELL CEC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jomi N J <googl...@cecelixir.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 10:40 PM
Subject: Launching Google Wars
To: dhibaka...@gmail.com, simranka...@gmail.co, anto...@gmal.com, muzam...@gmail.com, ar...@ieee.org, vijaykr...@gmail.com, dibuj...@gmail.com, ejo...@gmail.com, rosu...@hotmail.com, venk...@live.com, umafa...@yahoo.com, rosu...@hotmail.com, shal...@hotmail.com, haripr...@gmail.com, prasan...@gmail.com, mails...@gmail.com, nirmal...@gmail.com, ddepa....@gmail.com, sarat...@yahoo.com, divyarosejoseph25@gmail.c, mano...@gmail.com, me_mys...@hotmail.com, harikris...@gmail.co, libi...@gmail.com
Cc: hsps...@gmail.com, ajinb...@gmail.com, msg4...@gmail.com, ashwi...@gmail.com

Dear Participants,

 This is to inform you that we are launching Google Wars. Google Wars is an online event, part of the National Level Technical Symposium Elixir '10 organised by College of Engineering Chengannur, where the popularity and Search Engine Optimization of your blog is the Key.

Event Description:-

Do you have a blog? If you do, here is your golden chance to make it worth. 

Here is all you need to do

Submit your site to googl...@cecelixir.com  

The keyword 'Engineer' would be searched by the moderators. Your blog would have to come with a better ranking compared to your fellow competitors. In case of a tie in rankings, the quality of content and the design would be taken into consideration.

Please note that your blog should have a link to cecelixir.com 

The site with the highest Google rank and quality of content will win a FREE Rapidshare account

Last date for submission is 18th August.


Jomi N J
Googlewar Coordinator
(m) +91 9446 641 586

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