Issues With Editey

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Mario Stevenson

Aug 22, 2013, 12:48:34 AM8/22/13

RE: Issues With Editey

Quite frankly, the same issues are across the board with all of the products, for which seems to be a work-in-progress. None of the products seem to be finished. I uninstalled all of the products from Google Apps for Business (GAB) because I'm not one to pay for unfinished products (sometimes called "beta.") I'm thoroughly upset with Floreysoft's handling of Editey, the other products ...oh well.

I'm not going to say what I think, as for the correlation between the video and the product, but there's definitely something not right. Also I'm not sure how professional Floreysoft may be at developing software and I do feel someone else other than Floreysoft did the overall programming because any product designer no matter what field has "documentation;" a web forum is not documentation! Floreysoft's main issue is the misunderstanding of GAB. Editey isn't  for GAB because every step of the way security provisions in GAB enterprise domains stop core functions of Editey. The help text by Floreysoft explaining mapping domains, I gave the benefit of the doubt. If Floreysoft would actually follow it through, the company's explanation of domain mapping never reaches a destination and is why, in part leads me to question the video.

Editey shows real promise converting Google Drive into a web publishing suite challenging the Gits and definitely a new way of producing "controlled live web apps," but Floreysoft misled everyone which is a big no-no in business. Please take this constructively even though it will probably be deleted anyway, but Floreysoft needs to fix this stuff and perform like professionals instead of backwoods coding-artists!

Thank you.
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