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CfSC Board Meeting 2006-04-10 Agenda

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Charles Akben-Marchand

Apr 6, 2006, 5:04:47 PM4/6/06
Please note that the agenda is also available on Viki at:

The version on Viki contains some hyperlinks to referenced documents.
The agenda is currently a draft, and may be changed at or before the

If you would like to come to the meeting, please RSVP to me, as the
doors to the building may lock after 7pm, and we will need to know how
many people to expect.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me.


Charles Akben-Marchand
Citizens for Safe Cycling

Meeting Agenda - APRIL
CfSC Board of Directors
2006-04-10, 19:00 CfSC Office (251 Bank Street at Cooper, Suite 504)

1. Call to Order (Charles)

2. Introductions (5)

* Katherine Kitching, CfSC Workplace Co-ordinator (Staff)

3. Approval of the Agenda (3)

4. Conflicts of interest (2)

5. Review and approval of last Board Meeting's minutes (5, Charles)

* February 13 minutes (sent to Board member March 10 by Charles)
* March 13 minutes (sent to Board members March 20 by John Calvert)

- Second action item in section 6.4 should read "Workplan" not

6. Business items: (130)

6.1 Communications (45) (Brett) - IN CAMERA

* Incl. Calendars

6.2 Group Riding Policy (30) (Ron)

MOTION: that the Board approve the draft Group Riding Policy
posted by Ron to Viki on April 4, 2006.

6.3 Membership Committee Terms of Reference (5) (Ron)

MOTION: that the Board approve the draft Terms of Reference of
the Advocacy & Membership Program Management Committee, posted by
Charles to Viki on March 31, 2006 and approved, as amended, by the
Membership Committee prior to that date.
Note: The terms of reference will be distributed to the Board
prior to the end of Friday, April 7, 2006.

6.4 Cycling as a Reimbursable Expense (10?) (Tom)

MOTION: that that CfSC supports the following RCAC motion,
asking the City to reimburse bicycle travel expenses as they do auto

That the Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee recommend
Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend
Council approve the addition of cycling as a reimbursable mileage
expense, to all City reimbursement policies.

Note: See e-mail from Tom to Board on March 24 for more discussion.

6.5 Pathways along LRT corridor (10?) (Tom)

MOTION: that CfSC supports the following motion passed by RCAC
on Monday, March 20, 2006:

Whereas the Transportation Master Plan, the Official Plan,
the proposed Ottawa Cycling Plan, and the North-South LRT
environmental assessment all include a mixed-use pathway in the
North-South LRT corridor; and
Whereas the RCAC is of the opinion that the multi-use
pathway is essential, both as a transportation complement to the LRT,
and to enable pedestrian and cyclist access to the LRT stations;
that mixed- use pathway be constructed in the LRT corridor in
conjunction with the LRT itself, along the entire length of the LRT

6.6 Cycling Plan Response (20?) (Brett)

6.7 CfSC Vrtucar Membership (10?) (Patrick)

Patrick has asked that the purchase of a Vrtucar membership be
approved as outlined in the draft 2006 P&E Budget.


7. Management Updates

7.1 Promotion & Education Program Update (10)

See report sent by Patrick to the Board on April 5, 2006

7.2 Treasurer's Report (10) (Brett)

7.3 President's Report (10) (Charles)

* Banking {5}

- TD

* Relations with other groups {5}

- City Councillors and Media
- City Staff

* Search for new Director (5)
* Budget processes

7.4 IT Committee Chair Update (15) (Brett)

* Status report
* Items for Board consideration
* Upcoming important deadlines

7.5 Advocacy & Membership Management Committee Report (Ron)

* Last committee meeting date
* Next committee meeting date
* Current/recent activity
* Upcoming important deadlines

7.6 Promotion & Education Management Committee Report (Tom)

* Last committee meeting date
* Next committee meeting date
* Current/recent activity
* Upcoming important deadlines

7.7 Policy & Procedures Committee Report (Nancy)

* Status report
* Items for Board consideration
* Upcoming important deadlines

7.8 RCAC Representative Report (Tom)

Written report sent by Tom to CfSCteam March 22, 2006

7.9 Director's Report: John Stevenson (5)

Written report of proposed Bank Street reconstruction design
sent by John S. to CfSCteam April 6, 2006

8. Follow up on Action items from last meeting: (Bracketed numbers
refer to location in last meeting's minutes)

8.1 Reminder to board committee chairs and S&P Program Manager
staff that a written report is required from each of them for each
board meeting covering activities since the prior board meeting.
Reports are due at the latest 3 days before the board meeting. (6)
8.2 Each board member to send very short bio blurb to tOM for the
organizational profile appendix to annual program report 2005 to City
of Ottawa. (6.4)
8.3 tOM to finalize preliminaries and final signing of current
year workplan for S&P program with City of Ottawa. (6.4)
8.4 John Calvert to file necessary paperwork for SafeCycling. (6.5)
8.5 John Calvert to draft letter on behalf of Charles to thank Delmi (6.6)
8.6 Charles arrange for new letter to be sent to Mary Mason. (7.2)
8.7 Charles update information with BMO by next board meeting. (7.3)
8.8 Finance Committee will bring list of bank accounts, signing
officers to next meeting. (7.4)
8.9 Ron follow up with the bad membership. (7.5)
8.10 Board members to send comments on group rides to Ron by
February 23. (7.7)
8.11 Advocacy & Membership Committee prepare draft Group Rides for
the next Board meeting. (7.8)
8.12 Committee to look for short-term solution for processing
membership at next meeting. (7.9)
8.13 Finance Committee investigate and implement the transfer of
an appropriate amount of S&P cash in bank to a term deposit of
appropriate duration. (8.13)
8.14 Financial Committee to look at E&O insurance. (7.16)
8.15 Draft budgets for next board meeting, through FinCom (7.17)

11. Next meeting: Time and location (5)

12. Adjournment

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