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Do you cycle thru/to Centrepoint?

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tOM Trottier

Mar 22, 2006, 3:00:59 PM3/22/06
Those who live in or cycle through Centrepoint may want to have a say on pathways
and bicycle amenities - none of which are mentioned in this notice!


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Subject: Centrepointe Town Centre - Workshop #2 (Design Ideas)
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 16:18:59 -0500
From: "MacNeil, Robert (RPAM)" <>


Please note that our 2nd workshop is scheduled for this Thursday, from 6-10pm, in the
Cafeteria at 100 Constellation Crescent. This will be an intensive hands-on workshop
that will have us break into groups of 8 people/table. Each table will explore a series of
design-related themes (e.g. road network, parking, mix of uses, transit, etc.), one at a
time, and through an involved process overseen by our consultants - will generate
ideas that will ultimately drive the concept plan for "Centrepointe Town Centre".

By the end of the evening, all design ideas will be shared with the other tables and
reviewed collectively. The aim of the workshop is to analyze all of the design
considerations and, from an initial "blank canvas" standpoint, begin considering how
they may be synthesized into one overall, guiding concept plan. The participants will
digest a great deal of information and new questions will be raised.

Following the workshop, staff will review the new considerations and provide feedback.
For this reason, we have decided that this particular "Design Ideas Workshop" will be
followed next month on Thursday April 20th, by a "Design Ideas, Feasibility &
Information Review Workshop". Hence, please note that we will be having two (2)
design workshops instead of one (1) given the myriad of issues involved, and have
added another workshop on May 25th for purposes of reviewing a draft concept plan.

Similar to the handout provided at the 1st Workshop, the attached document sets out
information on the overall workshop process, and includes a revised Project Plan &
Timeframe. <<Worshop #2 Information.doc>>

Thank you again for your interest and participation in this process, and we look forward
to seeing you this Thursday evening. If you have any questions or comments, I may be
reached at 580-2424 ext. 17923. Respectfully,

Robert MacNeil, MRE, AICP
Consultant, Real Estate Services, City of Ottawa
613.580.2424 x17923
613.560.6051 (fax)


March 23, 2006, from 6 - 10:00 pm
Cafeteria, 100 Constellation Crescent

Workshop Process
At the first workshop on February 23, 2006, a handout was available that
provided participants with information on the Centrepointe Town Centre
Project Plan & Timeline.
While at the workshop, the President of the Centrepointe Community
Association delivered a letter to the City that requested information to give
them a better understanding of, and ability to participate in, the overall
Given the number of themes/actions identified at the 1st workshop that are to
be addressed in the concept plan process, and pursuant to further discussions
with the association's president, a formal City response has now been
forwarded to the community association. The City's response provides the
information requested by the association, and sets out modifications to the
Project Plan/Timeline, as outlined below for your review and appreciation. It
is felt that this information will provide all with a better understanding of the
process and the revised Project Plan/Timeline, that have evolved since the last

Information on Workshop Process
As indicated in the information handout and presentation at the 1st workshop
on February 23rd, the Centrepointe Town Centre project is not a planning
process intended to make changes to the Official Plan or the associated
Woodroffe/Baseline Secondary Plan but rather one of several real estate
development projects, set out in the Corporate Plan adopted by City Council,
that is being initiated by the City as a "community developer" having a long
term commitment towards achieving the shared and adopted vision for this

In this respect, the Corporate Services Department has an approved mandate as
"Develop and implement a strategy for the Centrepointe Project, which will see
the development of City-owned lands at Baseline Road and Woodroffe Avenue,
integrating 100 Constellation Crescent, Ben Franklin Place, vacant and transit
lands to demonstrate the 20/20 Vision of creating a "sense of place". The
development will focus on the integration of commercial, residential and office
uses through intensification and innovation. The Real Property Asset
Management Branch will lead this project that will be initiated in 2005. The
strategy will be in place by 2006 and dependant upon the proposals
implementation is scheduled for completion by 2009."
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to create and implement
adevelopment plan that isconsistent with, and fulfils the vision and objectives
of the Ottawa 20/20 Plans and in particular the Woodroffe/Baseline Secondary
Plan of the City's Official Plan.
The workshop process for the Centrepointe Town Centre project provides a
unique opportunity for community and business interests to work
collaboratively with the "community developer" from the outset of the
conceptual planning for development of lands in this area now under the
control of the City.
Departmental Level Process
The Real Estate Services Division of the Real Property Asset Management
Branch is responsible for managing the real estate development projects
identified in the Corporate Services Departmental Plan of the Corporate Plan.
As Senior Real Estate Officer in the Division, Dave Donaldson is the project
manager for these projects and Robert MacNeil is assisting him in managing
the development processes including the one for the Centrepointe Town Centre
If you click on the "City Hall" tab at the top of the home page the City's web
site -, a menu will appear that includes the "Administrative
Structure" as the first item. By clicking on the title of Chief Corporate Services
Officer and then subsequently Director of Real Property Asset Management
you will see the management structure (including contact information)
governing the Real Estate Services Division.
Since this is a collaborative process, the departmental process scheduled three
workshops to obtain a vision and associated design ideas for creating a
community based development concept plan as follows:
* Workshop #1 (Education and Visioning) - February 23, 2006
* Workshop #2 (Concept/Design Options) - March 23, 2006
* Workshop #3 (Concept Plan(s) Review) - April 20, 2006
You will note from the information handout for the 1st workshop, it was the
intention to carry out, between the end of April and end of July 2006,
additional research and due diligence work with respect to implementing the
concept plan that evolves from the workshops and hold another consultation
session to review this information and identify potential changes, if any, to the
concept plan prior to making any recommendations to Council Committees
and/or City Council.
The input from the 1st workshop provides a number of themes for the planning
vision as well as many resulting design ideas that must be pursued and
investigated at subsequent workshops.
As a result, it is now clear that a 2nd workshop on March 23, 2006 should
concentrate on the development of design ideas for implementing the planning
vision themes and that the 3rd workshop scheduled for April 20, 2006, rather
than reviewing a concept plan, should now be held for the purpose of reviewing
the design ideas and setting a direction for preparing the concept plan.
This will provide an opportunity for workshop participants to have time to
think about, consult with others and identify what design ideas they like, what
they would like to change, and what additional ideas they might want
considered before any conceptual planning work starts. It will also allow the
department an opportunity to research and provide some preliminary
information on the relative feasibility of the various design ideas to facilitate
the discussions with respect to setting a design direction for preparing the
concept plan.
We are now proposing to hold a 4th workshop on May 25, 2006 to review a
draft concept plan prepared from the design direction emanating from the April
20th workshop. This will provide the workshop participants with an
opportunity to identify what they like and what they would like to change in the
draft concept plan.
Therefore, the revised workshop process will be as follows:
* Workshop #1 (Education and Visioning) - February 23, 2006
* Workshop #2 (Formulate Design Ideas) - March 23, 2006
* Workshop #3 (Review Design Ideas/Feasibility information) - April 20,
* Workshop #4 (Concept plan Review) - May 25, 2006
The additional research and due diligence work would then be carried out
between the end of May and end of August 2006 and the further consultation
session would be held in mid-September.
Committee / Council Level Process
It was also indicated in the information handout for the 1st workshop that an
information report on the results of the workshops would be prepared and
forwarded by May 2006. As a result of the change to the workshop process,
this report would now be forwarded in June 2006.
While the Corporate Services Department reports to the Corporate Services and
Economic Development Committee of Council and the departmental report
will go to this committee, it is also the intention that the information report be
forwarded to the Planning and Environment Committee and City Council since
the conceptual plan is based on the planning framework established by the
Official Plan and associated Woodroffe/Baseline Secondary Plan and the
Corporate Plan adopted by Council.
The information report will not provide any recommendations but will afford
an opportunity for Council members to receive any public input, to ask
questions and provide further direction regarding the concept plan process.
After the public consultation session, now proposed for mid-September 2006, a
report will then be prepared and forwarded, later in the fall or winter, to the
same Committees and Council. This report will make recommendations with
respect to implementing the concept plan that evolves from the workshop
planning process and also identify the need for and source of any City funding
that may be required to implement the project.

The menu, obtained by clicking on the "City Hall" tab at the top of the home
page for the City's web site, also includes "Standing Committees", and "City
Councillors". By clicking on these, you will obtain information regarding the
members and mandate of the committees and the contact information for City

Revised Centrepointe Town Centre - Project Plan/Timeline

The proposed project plan process and timeline is now proposed as

Workshop#1 (Education and Visioning) - February 23, 2006
Workshop#2 (Formulate Design Ideas) - March 23, 2006
Prepare& Distribute Minutes Workshop #2 by March 30, 2006
UndertakeAdditional Research & Prepare/Distribute Information
Package for Workshop #3 by April 13, 2006
Workshop#3 (Review Design Ideas/Feasibility Information) - April
20, 2006
Prepare& Distribute Minutes Workshop #3 by April 27, 2006
Workshop#4 (Concept Plan Review) - May 25, 2006
Prepare& Forward Information Report to Committees and Council on
Workshop Results by June 2006
UndertakeRemaining Research/Due Diligence for Development Plan
Implementation & Prepare/Distribute Information Package for
Community Consultation Meeting by end of August, 2006
HoldCommunity Consultation Meeting (Due Diligence Findings &
Development Plan Implementation) by mid-September, 2006
Prepare& Distribute Minutes Community Consultation Meeting by
end of September, 2006
Prepare&Forward Development Plan Implementation Report to
Committee(s) & Council for Consideration by late Fall/Winter
InitiateProcess for Phase I Development - Winter 2006/2007

The above information is intended not only to provide a better understanding of
the Centrepointe Town Centre process but also to confirm that the process
itself is flexible and can be modified to accommodate the input and needs of
the participants as we progress from one stage to another.

For further information on this project please contact the City's Real Estate
Services Division staff, responsible for managing this project, as follows:

Dave Donaldson Robert MacNeil
Senior Real Estate Officer Real Estate Consultant
Tel. 580-2424 ext.28308 Tel. 580-2424 ext.
17923 Fax. 560-6051 Fax. 560-6051 E-mail: E-mail:

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-- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
,__@ tOM Trottier
_-\_<, 758 Albert St., Ottawa ON Canada K1R 7V8
(*)/'(*) N45.412 W75.714 +1 613 860-6633
<a href="">Abacurial Information Architecture</a>
Q, Q,
</ </ This world, after all our science and sciences, is still
(`-/---/-') a miracle; wonderful, inscrutable, magical and more,
~~@~~~~@~~~~~~ to whosoever will think of it. --Thomas Carlyle

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