Getting Radiometry Data: Lepton 3.1R and Pure Thermal 3

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Issac Heim

Feb 17, 2024, 1:00:35 PM2/17/24
to Flir Lepton
Hello All!

I am new to the Lepton platform and I'm trying to grab radiometry data from a Lepton 3.1R. The camera is being hosted on a PureThermal3 board. I am working on a project that connects the pure thermal 3 to a raspberry pi and sends thermal data and camera frames to a windows machine. I am able to stream camera frames via openCV, but I haven't figured out a way to actually get the radiometry data from the camera itself.

So my question is, how do I get this data? Is it stored within the camera frame itself? Is there a command I can send to the camera to retrieve the radiometry data? 

 have been trying to read the source code for the GetThermal app but haven't really gotten anywhere with it. I have read the IDD that is provided with the camera itself, but since I am using the PureThermal3 it seems as if that doesn't really apply to my situation. I apologize for my lack of knowledge in advance. Any help is greatly appreciated! 

Thank you for your time!

Issac Heim

Feb 17, 2024, 1:16:01 PM2/17/24
to Flir Lepton
Something i forgot to mention, is I would like to use C or C++ rather than Python for true single process multithreading

Dan Julio

Feb 19, 2024, 11:06:35 AM2/19/24
to Flir Lepton
I can't answer for the PureThermal board but my tCam-Mini (which you can also buy from Group Gets) outputs radiometric data (and the Letpon's telemetry).  It has a simple json command set accessed through a network socket so you can easily write C for it and even run that all directly on the Windows box with no need for an in-between computer.  You can read about it here

Issac Heim

Feb 23, 2024, 10:18:32 AM2/23/24
to Flir Lepton

Thank you for your response Dan! I think your tcam-mini is something I’ll have to look into for the future, but currently I am not able to use it for this project. I’ve seen some examples of getting temperature data via UVC that definitely help, however, to kind of complete everything I need to be able to leverage the Lepton SDK on the raspberry pi. Can anyone point me in a direction of how to write a wrapper so I can use the lepton SDK with the pure thermal 3 and UVC? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have looked into get thermal, but found myself with some errors after extracting the SDK, writing some of the wrapper functions for UVC and testing them. 


May 2, 2024, 11:19:13 PM5/2/24
to Flir Lepton
@issac Did you solve the problem? I'm using example code and i can get the temperature but the problem is that running on raspberry pi gives me too bright frame. I figured out that on raspberry pi the range of temperature is too wide +-200 while it's only about +-40 on pc as i mentioned here. If you encountered the same issue and you solved the problem can you please share your solution?

Edanaz Abdullahoğlu

Aug 26, 2024, 6:47:18 AM8/26/24
to Flir Lepton
Hello, did you use a special SDK for RPI or was it readable directly on ports like USB/Device00 when you plug it in with USB? I also want to view the data I got from the thermal camera for the Jetson Orin nx development kit on my computer by broadcasting it with OpenCV. I would be very happy if you could help me with the libraries you used for the installations. I wish you good work.

17 Şubat 2024 Cumartesi tarihinde saat 21:00:35 UTC+3 itibarıyla şunları yazdı:
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