rising factorial of rational number

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Stephen Crowley

Jul 31, 2024, 7:18:38 PM7/31/24
to flint-devel
Hi all,
is there a function to calculate the rising factorial where the lhs is an fmpq_t and the rhs is an integer and the output is again an fmpq_t and not an arb_t ? I found that method, but it seems inefficient to check if its exact and then 'cast' it back to a Rational

Thanks in advance,

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'arb.RationalFunction arb.Fraction.ascendingFactorial(arb.Integer, int, arb.RationalFunction)'

at factorfℝ2.evaluate(Unknown Source)

at arb4j/arb.functions.Function.evaluate(Function.java:334)

at factorfℝ1.evaluate(Unknown Source)

at arb4j/arb.functions.Function.evaluate(Function.java:334)

at F.evaluate(Unknown Source)

at arb4j/arb.functions.real.RationalHypergeometricFunction.evaluate(RationalHypergeometricFunction.java:167)

at pFq({Minus2,3_5,1},{2,4},1Over2MinusxOver2).evaluate(Unknown Source)

at arb4j/arb.functions.NullaryFunction.evaluate(NullaryFunction.java:49)

at arb4j/arb.expressions.nodes.unary.HypergeometricFunctionTest.testHypergeometricFunctionExpressionRational(HypergeometricFunctionTest.java:59)

Stephen Crowley

Aug 1, 2024, 2:31:09 PM8/1/24
to flint...@googlegroups.com
I suppose it would be most efficient to just convert to arb_t then compute the rising factorial and then make sure enough bits were allocated such that isexact is true then call the method that gets an fmpq_t from the arf_t midpoint which would be exact in this case. 


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