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Oct 24, 2023, 1:52:54 AM10/24/23
to FlightStream
How can i make the feature edges equal to zero and non-monifold edges

vivek ahuja

Oct 24, 2023, 9:31:27 AM10/24/23
to FlightStream
Feature edges do not need to be set to zero. They are used primarily to show the user the location where sharp corners exist on the geometry. The calculation is done using a vector angle between two neighboring triangles across an edge. The default threshold for feature edges is available in the Controls tab on the bottom left of the GUI and is set to 60 deg. If you want to reduce the number of marked feature edges, you can set this value higher. However, as mentioned, the feature edges diagnostic is not a problem for the solver and is only used by the solver to adjust the local surface velocity analysis. In other words, it is benign.

Non-manifold edges are more serious and indicate that an edge is connected to more than two triangles. This indicates that there are mesh components without the correct topology in your geometry. You can click the colored box for non-manifold edges in the Diagnostics list GUI to identify the location of these edges in the graphical window. Are these edges being seen before or after you united some components? A zoomed in picture of the location of these edges would help us in giving you better ideas on how to resolve the issue.
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