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Flow analysis and stability derivative calculation with the elevon deflection

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Swarna Mayuri Kumar

Nov 10, 2023, 12:22:07 AM11/10/23
to FlightStream
I've performed a flow analysis for my blended wing UAV without any actuators or control surface deflections, but I would like to understand how we can analyze the flow with elevon deflections and also use the 'stability and control tool box' for the calculation of the lateral and longitudinal control derivatives with control surface deflections.

Screenshot 2023-11-10 091902.png

Daniel E.

Nov 10, 2023, 3:11:45 PM11/10/23
to FlightStream
Hi Swarna,
The best way to analyze control surface deflections in FlightStream is to use CCS files and specify control surface deflections. You can read more about this in the User Manual; Mesh>Component Cross Section>Control Surfaces.
Then you can either use the Solver Sweeper toolbox to generate aerodynamic polars and manually take the derivatives. Or use the Stability & Control toolbox as seen here:

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