Finding the Trim AoA

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Thomas Dylewski

Dec 11, 2023, 1:33:50 AM12/11/23
to FlightStream

I am back and have been trying to do a simple trim AoA analysis with Flightstream but am not quite sure I am using the correct values. I initially plotted the Cmy vs. the AoA to find the point where Cmy = 0, however noticed this was not the correct value. After digging around in my notes, I found that at trim its actually Cmcg that needs to be plotted with respect to AoA. I am not sure how to use the values given to solve for this trim AoA at this point, and was curious if there is a relation I am forgetting or if there is a more direct way to solve for this in Flightstream.

For reference, our hand calculations place the trim AoA around 1.32 degrees.


cory goates

Dec 12, 2023, 5:01:38 PM12/12/23
to FlightStream
You'll want to create a second coordinate system using the "Coordinate systems" section of the simulation tree. Place it at the CG. Then, under the "Analysis" tab, you can select this new coordinate system where it asks for the coordinate system. The moments will then be reported relative to the new coordinate system you created centered at the CG.

Thomas Dylewski

Jan 12, 2024, 5:53:51 PMJan 12
to FlightStream
Thank you! I just saw this as we were on break.
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