I'm preparing a lightning talk about Slideshow PLT Scheme library for
next week. This is something very basic, but I thought someone could
be interested in doing presentations in Scheme.
Jordi, sorry but this won't be as interactive as Squeak slideshows,
but at least I'll be able to prepare the talk in Scheme :-).
I can just skip the talk if most of you already know about Slideshow.
See you on Wednesday!
Unfortunately, Aleix, our only planned speaker for Wednesday, has
injured his hand. It'd be better for him if we postpone his talk.
There're no other planned talks, so i don't think it's worth meeting in
the office. Perhaps this could be a good occasion to meet directly in
that beer shop whose name i cannot remember?
On Mon 05 Oct 2009 13:50, "Jose A. Ortega Ruiz" <jaor...@gmail.com> writes:
> Unfortunately, Aleix, our only planned speaker for Wednesday, has
> injured his hand. It'd be better for him if we postpone his talk.
Ooh, bummer :-/
> There're no other planned talks, so i don't think it's worth meeting in
> the office. Perhaps this could be a good occasion to meet directly in
> that beer shop whose name i cannot remember?
We could indeed, if Aleix can hoist a pint. http://www.lacerveteca.com/,
open until 21h.
Regarding speakers, I don't think anyone wants "all Andy, all the time",
but I am always ready for lightning talks, on a couple days' notice.
But come to think of it really, this is sortof the wrong tone to be
taking, right? We should do things because we want to do them. If we
want talks, we should do talks. If we want beer & chat, we should do
beer & chat. (An aside: I always like that part of our meetings after
all the "business" is done, and people stand up and chat, often for 20
min while slowly migrating out. Somehow it's a context in which people
feel free. I think a bar can provide that too.)
Heh, rambling. I guess my point was that if people want talks we can do
that too somehow, we just need to come up with material :)
> Hello!
> Ooh, bummer :-/
totally :-(
> We could indeed, if Aleix can hoist a pint. http://www.lacerveteca.com/
> ,
> open until 21h.
i can hoist it, the problem is going to barcelona by train and catch
my thurdsday flight to madrid at 7am. everything takes double time now
(e.g. answering this mail), and i need to rest.
> Regarding speakers, I don't think anyone wants "all Andy, all the
> time",
> but I am always ready for lightning talks, on a couple days' notice.
i don't think that would be a problem for anyone. :-)
> But come to think of it really, this is sortof the wrong tone to be
> taking, right? We should do things because we want to do them. If we
> want talks, we should do talks. If we want beer & chat, we should do
> beer & chat. (An aside: I always like that part of our meetings after
> all the "business" is done, and people stand up and chat, often for 20
> min while slowly migrating out. Somehow it's a context in which people
> feel free. I think a bar can provide that too.)
i guess you're right. personally, i like beer and chat, but not
tomorrow :-)
> Heh, rambling. I guess my point was that if people want talks we can
> do
> that too somehow, we just need to come up with material :)
may be new material can come up with a beer in hand.
Me either!
> may be new material can come up with a beer in hand.
The best material frequently comes up with a beer in hand - I'm good
with something more informal this time. I was hoping to be able to
show off what I was working on for editing Scheme but I've been flat
out and not had much time since my initial burst. I'd be interested in
discussing what people expect from a Scheme editing tool though, and
what might be possible to achieve with more sophisticated tools.
Hopefully with a few ideas I'll be ready to present something in a
Aww... And I was hoping to practice my Catalan (which to me always
seems impeccable after a few beers). I also have a meeting late in
the afternoon, so I will be a bit late as well... What time is the
"official" appointment, by the way?
See you tomorrow,
Aleix, get better soon, please.
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Jordi Delgado <jdelga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Aleix, get better!
>> About talks: You know I volunteer talking
And we like your talks :) Especially in a time-delimited format, heh heh
>> However, is anyone able to teach delimited continuations?
I would be most interested as well. I've read some papers, but I
understand nothing.
And Andrew concurs with the general late vibe:
> I will be a bit late as well... What time is the "official"
> appointment, by the way?
Good question! Why don't we say 19h30 or 19h45, for the prompt ones
among us; then at 21h when the bar closes, we can go somewhere else,
perhaps for a small bite to eat. My number, should anyone miss us at the
cerveteca, is 617 029 578.
http://lacerveteca.com/ -- corner of correos with en gignas
If that particular bar is closing at 21h, though, and folks
are coming late, perhaps we should think about going somewhere else.
> http://lacerveteca.com/ -- corner of correos with en gignas
> If that particular bar is closing at 21h, though, and folks
> are coming late, perhaps we should think about going somewhere else.
Whoops, forgot to edit this out. Indeed, la cerveteca at 19h30 or 19h45;
then at 21h when it closes, those that want to go elsewhere. Call me if
you miss us at la cerveteca.