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Oct 29, 2009, 3:18:13 PM10/29/09
to flibug

How are you doing?

The last meeting, though not very academic, was really great. First
the beers at "La Cerveteca" and then the dinner at an unknown (to me),
but very good, place close to Pça Palau left a nice impression on me.
Besides, Andy promised a demo for the next meeting (I do not forgot so

Thus, I assume there will be a next meeting. Any thoughts on when that
might happen?



Aleix Conchillo Flaqué

Oct 29, 2009, 5:51:47 PM10/29/09
On Oct 29, 2009, at 8:18 PM, jdelgado wrote:

> Hi,


> How are you doing?

I recovered my hand :-). But it still hurts a bit.

> The last meeting, though not very academic, was really great. First
> the beers at "La Cerveteca" and then the dinner at an unknown (to me),
> but very good, place close to Pça Palau left a nice impression on me.
> Besides, Andy promised a demo for the next meeting (I do not forgot so
> easily...).

That sounds great, I also look forward for the demo!

> Thus, I assume there will be a next meeting.

I do, as well.

> Any thoughts on when that might happen?

I've been quite busy lately, that's why I did not write anything. In
fact, I expected a beer tastes review :-).

I will not be free until 10 Novembre, and I still would like to
introduce the PLT Slideshow library or something else.

I would prefer 18 november. Is it too late? What about the Oblong
guys? Any prefenrence to get the "Okupas"?

Best regards,


Andrew Bagdanov

Oct 29, 2009, 7:07:06 PM10/29/09
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Aleix Conchillo Flaqué
<> wrote:
> On Oct 29, 2009, at 8:18 PM, jdelgado wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi!
>> How are you doing?
> I recovered my hand :-). But it still hurts a bit.
>> The last meeting, though not very academic, was really great. First
>> the beers at "La Cerveteca" and then the dinner at an unknown (to me),
>> but very good, place close to Pça Palau left a nice impression on me.
>> Besides, Andy promised a demo for the next meeting (I do not forgot so
>> easily...).
> That sounds great, I also look forward for the demo!

Hmmm... I don't remember anything about a "demo" as such, but I do
remember something about a Haskell talk. I'd be happy to do a short,
30 minute talk on it... I'm certainly no expert, but I can give one
schemer's impression...

>> Thus, I assume there will be a next meeting.
> I do, as well.
>> Any thoughts on when that might happen?
> I've been quite busy lately, that's why I did not write anything. In fact, I
> expected a beer tastes review :-).
> I will not be free until 10 Novembre, and I still would like to introduce
> the PLT Slideshow library or something else.
> I would prefer 18 november. Is it too late? What about the Oblong guys? Any
> prefenrence to get the "Okupas"?

Mmm... The 18th is the day before the CVPR deadline, so I would
prefer some other date, either a few days before or after the 19th.
But I can work out something if there is consensus for the 18th...



> Best regards,
> Aleix

Andy Wingo

Oct 30, 2009, 5:36:30 AM10/30/09

On Fri 30 Oct 2009 00:07, Andrew Bagdanov <> writes:

>>> Besides, Andy promised a demo for the next meeting (I do not forgot so
>>> easily...).
>> That sounds great, I also look forward for the demo!
> Hmmm... I don't remember anything about a "demo" as such

Perhaps I can indulge, with an oblong demo :)

> I do remember something about a Haskell talk. I'd be happy to do a
> short, 30 minute talk on it... I'm certainly no expert, but I can give
> one schemer's impression...

That would be very interesting!

> Mmm... The 18th is the day before the CVPR deadline, so I would
> prefer some other date, either a few days before or after the 19th.
> But I can work out something if there is consensus for the 18th...

The 19th doesn't work for the office here. We could always have it
somewhere else of course.


Andy Wingo

Oct 30, 2009, 5:34:45 AM10/30/09

On Thu 29 Oct 2009 22:51, Aleix Conchillo Flaqué <> writes:

> I recovered my hand :-)

Excellent :)

> I expected a beer tastes review :-).

We were too busy recovering our heads for any such review to be written

> I will not be free until 10 Novembre, and I still would like to
> introduce the PLT Slideshow library or something else.
> I would prefer 18 november. Is it too late? What about the Oblong guys?
> Any prefenrence to get the "Okupas"?

18th is good for oblong, yes :) And good for me as well :)

I will have just come back from the GNU hacker's meeting and FSCONS in
Sweden, so I can perhaps give a 5- minute report back from there as
well. I'm going to talk there about Guile too, so if one of your
presentations falls through, I'll have one prepared :)



Colin Fleming

Oct 31, 2009, 10:12:44 AM10/31/09
Hi everyone,

>> I recovered my hand :-)
> Excellent :)

Agreed :-)

>> I expected a beer tastes review :-).

It was good, but in the interests of scientific accuracy I'd have to
return to be sure. I need a larger sample for the results to be
statistically significant.

Oblong demo sounds excellent, I'd love to see it. I'm going to be
progressively more busy from now until Christmas, so I'll try to make
it whenever possible - I don't have dates that are particularly better
or worse than others but the emergencies are impossible to predict.
I'd like to do a presentation at some point, but realistically it'll
probably have to be early next year. I'd like to do one on editing
environments - in the interests of drumming up some interest through
controversy I've tentatively titled it "Why EMACS is a hopelessly
inadequate editing environment in this day and age". Cheap trick, I
know :-)

Hope to see you all soon!


Aleix Conchillo Flaqué

Nov 1, 2009, 4:36:37 PM11/1/09

On Oct 31, 2009, at 3:12 PM, Colin Fleming wrote:


> probably have to be early next year. I'd like to do one on editing
> environments - in the interests of drumming up some interest through
> controversy I've tentatively titled it "Why EMACS is a hopelessly
> inadequate editing environment in this day and age". Cheap trick, I
> know :-)

Wow! This is not about why IDE X is good, but why Emacs is bad...
You'll have to fight against some big opponents:

Good luck! ;-)


Colin Fleming

Nov 1, 2009, 4:45:06 PM11/1/09
Hehe, I know, it's just to get people to pay attention to me :-).
Cheap trick, like I say.


Aleix Conchillo Flaqué

Nov 1, 2009, 4:48:05 PM11/1/09
I didn't get that... what does "Cheap trick" means? (not literally)

Aleix Conchillo Flaqué

Nov 1, 2009, 4:59:28 PM11/1/09
OK... I just re-read... "truco barato" makes sense :-). I got an
exhausting day today.

On Nov 1, 2009, at 10:45 PM, Colin Fleming wrote:

Andrew Bagdanov

Nov 1, 2009, 5:43:32 PM11/1/09
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Colin Fleming <> wrote:
> Hehe, I know, it's just to get people to pay attention to me :-).
> Cheap trick, like I say.

I know I'll be there with torch in hand... :D


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