finally, it seems we have a winning day for November's meeting:
Tuesday 24th.
To summarise a bit the talks/demos/... for this meeting (from the
mailing list posts):
- Andy Wingo: g-speak demo? GNU Hackers Meeting report? Guiles
improvements ( related)?
- Andy Bagdanov: Haskell talk?
- Colin Fleming: Why EMACS is a hopelessly inadequate editing
environment in this day and age?
- Jordi Delgado: What about a brief introduction to call-cc? ;-)
- Myself: Introduction to PLT Slideshow? PLAI chapters 9 to 11?
- Beer drinking.
- Anyone else?
I just added a question mark because we can all change our minds
(except for the beer), though it would be great to know the talks in
advance, basically because of a matter of time.
On Mon 09 Nov 2009 18:24, Aleix Conchillo Flaqué <> writes:
> finally, it seems we have a winning day for November's meeting: Tuesday
> 24th.
Sounds great to me. (Jeez, it's the end of the year already.)
I think we agreed at our beer event that spanish and catalan are fine
languages for flibug activities. The question of how exactly to
encourage participation of people that perhaps aren't comfortable in
english remains open, AFAIR. Thoughts most welcome in that regard!
With activities I guess you mean Cervetecas? And participation... talks?
For talks, an initial approach (I think I do not discover anything
here) would be to talk in spanish (catalan would be too much, I think)
and the slides in english. It would be like an spanish film with
english subtitles. :-)
Heh, fantastic :-)
I'm fine with Spanish, Catalan would be difficult tending towards
impossible - but I can always just read the subtitles.
>> - Colin Fleming: Why EMACS is a hopelessly inadequate editing
>> environment in this day and age?
> Ok (Colin, are you sure you want to give *this* talk in front of jao? :-))
Hehe, it's all in good fun... I doubt I can get it ready for this
meeting though, work is currently, um, "exciting".
Weren't we promised an Oblong demo? I'm still dying to see that...