I'd like to thank Jordi for his terrific presentation.
Actually I got a little inspired and played some time with Squeak.
It felt - on first impression (and I didn't get much further yet) - like
Oberon/A2 (http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/).
Does anyone know that system? How does it relate to Smalltalk?
At first sight they seem to have much in common - but first sight may be
FWIW: There's a not too long article "Smalltalk for LISPers". Maybe
someone's interested:
Andy made an interesting (and for me surprisingly surprising) comment
about an exercise in PLAI: Why implement recursion if we have the Y
He is, of course, right. So here we go (it's roughly exercise 8.2.3 in PLAI):
;; recursion with Y combinator ;-)
; application (see below)
; Y combinator
((fun (f)
((fun (h) (h h))
(fun (g) (f (fun (z) ((g g) z))))))
; actual "recursive" function - here the fibonacci numbers
(fun (f) (fun (x) (if0 x 0 (if0 (- x 1) 1 (+ (f (- x 1)) (f (- x 2))))))))
; applying 8 (thus the first opening paren above)
This is much better (= more fun) than my implementation of recursion in
the presentation.
Jos: Hope you'll get better soon!
All: Enjoy your vacations!