Time passes. Should we meet? Perhaps... 24 February? Or 17? Wednesdays
are nice for me, but I am flexible.
Topics? Since it's been so long, and we all have things to talk about,
perhaps we could have a meeting of only lightning talks. People can
present multiple lightning talks if they want. Five minutes apiece. Can
we get 10 of those? I know I can come up with at least one. What say
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Colin Fleming <co...@colinfleming.net> wrote:
> I can't make the 17th, but I might be able to make the 24th - it'll be
> touch and go though, I leave for New Zealand on the 27th. If I make it
> I could talk about GLL parsing, a new generalised top-down parsing
> algorithm.
I won't be available either the 17th.
Those days, I like to hack a bit on vala, I could either do a long
introductory talk, or rather some short talk about, for example, "Type
system and vala" or "why you should avoid vala?" or something like
have a nice week end all
Marc-André Lureau
Sent from Barcelona, Spain
So the 24th sounds like that's the day. Everyone prepare a lightning
talk or two; that will be the program. Lightning talk == 5-10 minutes,
depending on the number of talks available -- but plan on 5. I will play
the role of the fascist-with-stopwatch. Perhaps I will obtain a gong for
the occasion.
Happy hacking,