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third meeting and date for next one

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Aleix Conchillo Flaqué

Aug 20, 2009, 4:54:20 AM8/20/09

you may already know that yesterday was our third meeting. Yes, the
third one! As usual it was great, but with less people than the other
two, which is comprehensible as it was August 19th. At the end of the
meeting it came to my mind: what kind of people is listening to a guy
talking about Smalltalk for an hour and a half in the middle of August
In Barcelona? I'll try to find the answer on vacations :-).

Anyway, the meeting was great, we had this fantastic talk about
Smalltalk by Jordi Delgado and another great shorter talk about PLAI
chapters 5 to 8 by Thomas Holubar. And, as usual, we had more beer and
some food from Oblong, I really appreciate that, thank you!

We did not talk much about next meeting. As the idea is to keep them
monthly, the possible dates are the 16th, 23rd or 30th of September.
The 23rd is in "La Mercè" week which can make it a bit difficult for

The poll:

I'll try to get in touch with jao about how we can manage it this
time, as Andy already said he would not be there.

For the following PLAI chapter I propose 9 to 11.



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