Can't determine if I could use flex-pilot for my needs, can you help me?

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May 5, 2011, 1:59:23 PM5/5/11
to flex-pilot
I just found out about flex-pilot, it sounds very nice but I can't
determine if it would meet my needs. I hope you guys can give me help.

I obviously would like to test Flash/Flex objects within web pages. I
am using Selenium as main testing framework but my whole setup is kind
of unique, I think.

To keep it simple, here are my requirements:
- use Selenium to interact with DOM elements
- call an API to interact with Flash/Flex objects within the web pages
- asserting elements presence/visibility/etc. (a bit like Selenium for
the DOM elements)
- asserting Flash/Flex <--> web page communication (they use
javascript, but an obfuscated JS file -don't know if that impacts
anything-) they do via method calls
- do not have to compile a specific version of the Flash/Flex for
testing purposes, we would like to be able to test a production
compiled flash file
- use JAVA to call the flash/flex test commands

We use Selenium GRID to connect to Selenium RCs and want to keep it
that way, I bet this wouldn't be a problem.
Can someone guide me, to a tutorial or alike, or by sharing their
knowledge here, let me know how I could use flex-pilot in a Selenium
test case with JAVA?

Thank you a lot.



May 6, 2011, 6:36:25 PM5/6/11
The setup guide on the flex pilot site should step you through all the requirements you list up to JavaScript interactions. Testing Javascript in Selenium is a bit convoluted. Selenium 2 is better, but there is no GRID in Selenium2 AFIK. You will have to compile a SWF for testing, but that can (probably) just load your production SWF, allowing you to test the production build.


May 8, 2011, 4:33:16 PM5/8/11
to flex-pilot
Thank you John;
there is just one thing I can't find in FP sites though, how to test
the response from the flash on an event/function call from either the
flash/flesh object of from the html page containing it.
A quick look at the *flex* commands in Se IDE (after installing the
extension) doesn't show what I would call something like
flexAssertCallback(), or something.

Let's say I have 2 links and the flash/flex object in my web page,
both links send JavaScript calls to flash and flash sends back a
JavaScript call to a function inside the web page. Would I be able to
somehow assert the "communication"? Perhaps by sending JavaScript
through Selenium (assertEval() or alike?).

Thanks for helping out.


May 9, 2011, 6:15:09 AM5/9/11
to flex-pilot
I played a little this weekend and found out a "work around" as I
don't seem to be able to catch functional calls. I plan to ask the
flash developer(s) to add an invisible text field into the flash where
they would send value in when a functional call is being triggered and
then use Flex-Pilot to assert the value from that field.

Thanks and regards.

Adam Christian

May 9, 2011, 3:57:19 PM5/9/11
Hi the right person to talk to is the Flex-pilot GSOC student: mahesh gondi <>

I hope that helps,


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