Suggestions not being accepted

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Sarah Truesdale

no llegida,
29 de nov. 2015, 17:18:3029/11/15
a FLEx list
Hi again,

I am currently interlinearising some texts and (because we have already completed a few texts before these ones), FLEx is offering up suggestions, which is great. These suggestions are highlighted in blue. However, I have found a couple of issues when I go to accept the suggestions.

1. Just clicking on the "check" doesn't always allow the suggestion to be accepted. Once I click on the particular word, the suggestion disappears and I have to then click on the suggestion in a drop down menu first before I can click "check". Is there a way to just get it to accept what's been suggested?

2. The "check all" doesn't seem to work. At least, it will allow all of the suggestions in one line/segment to be accepted, but not throughout the text, which is what I thought it was for... Any suggestions here? Would it be my settings, perhaps?


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