Fleener Family Update - September 2010 - The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways

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Joe Fleener

Sep 21, 2010, 9:12:03 PM9/21/10
to Joe Fleener

It is likely some of you will receive multiple copies of this. I am sorry, but I am sending it through a few different distribution lists which have some overlap in memberships.


Dear Friends & Family:

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.


Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.


Wow, it has been quite some time since we have sent out a formal family update, and ‘yes,’ it seems as though when we do write there is some big news to share. This time will be no different!


This year, like every other year of our married life, has been absolutely full of change, and as we approach the last quarter of 2010, there is more change to come.


As you know, we moved to Hastings, New Zealand in September 2006 to join the ministry of The Shepherd’s Bible College.  Joe became a lecturer at the college and quickly found himself teaching Old Testament Survey, Church History 1 & 2, Christian Worldview 1 & 2, Apologetics, and Ethics. In addition to this, Joe became involved in various ministries of Riverbend Bible Church – most significant to us was leading an Adult Fellowship Group on Sunday mornings; and a Young Adult Home Group on Monday nights. At the same time, Mandy has had numerous opportunities for ministry over these four years, from leading ladies Bible studies, to music, to one-on-one discipleship.

The Lord has truly blessed us with so many opportunities to serve in ways we could have never imagined.


Then there are all the other people whom the Lord has brought into our lives and whom have been used by the Lord to be a source of true blessing and encouragement. We are so thankful the Lord brought us to this place.

Of course, all of this has been happening while; at the same time our children have grown from 6, 4, & 1 to 9, 7, & 5! We have continued homeschooling; and have sought to rear them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord – desiring to see their hearts turn toward Christ and be captured by the power of the Gospel at a young age.


Life has been full!


The Lord has and continues to teach us so much as He continues to mould us into the image of His Son. We are amazed and humbled by the tremendous privilege to know God and to serve Him in some small way. God is doing an amazing work in our lives and the lives of His people.


And like so many times in the past, the Lord has been pleased to move us from where He brought us; to another place where He wants us to serve.


Last month, Joe was officially called by the elders of Howick Baptist Church in Auckland, New Zealand to fill the role of Associate Pastor alongside Peter Somervell, the senior pastor. We have answered this call with a ‘YES’ as we have seen the Lord direct our paths to this place over the past twelve months. While the Lord has been directing our paths we have developed a very close relationship with a number of the folks at HBC along with Peter and the elders.  As is often the case, God has used His Word as we have striven to faithfully apply Scripture to our daily lives, prayer, a number of circumstances, and godly council to make this direction clear.


The plan at this stage is:

1.       Sell our home in Hastings by the end of November.

2.       Pack our house in Hastings by the same time.

3.       Locate a house in Howick as near the church as possible to rent by the beginning of December.

4.       Joe to finish his lecturing responsibilities for the 2010 year at The Shepherd’s Bible College – he has Old Testament Survey 4 & Apologetics during Term 4.

5.       Joe has a number of other preaching/teaching commitments around the North Island to fulfil during this time.

6.       Continue homeschooling.

7.       Mandy has two community; music commitments to fulfil here in Hawkes Bay prior to our move.

8.       Shift to our new house where we can begin this new phase of ministry by 1 December 2010!

Please pray for us:

1.       This is all to happen in just over 11 weeks. We will need much grace – we do every day!

2.       That as a family we will be faithful to each other, encouraging one another in the Lord and seeking to serve one another in the midst of a busy time.

3.       That we would magnify Christ and conduct ourselves with integrity in all we do through this process.

4.       That we would rest in the goodness of our Heavenly Father, trusting that He is accomplishing His good purpose in our lives – even when it seems hard.

5.       That the logistical details would work out well; and the selling, renting, packing, and moving will go smooth.

6.       That Mandy & I would be sensitive to the children and help them through this move as they leave their home, friends, church, etc.


Blessings in Christ,


Joe, Mandy, Mekaela, Gavin, & Tabitha Fleener


Blog - http://emethaletheia.blogspot.com/

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Facebook - Joe Fleener - http://www.facebook.com/home.php

Skype US Phone #: (256) 513-5679

Skype ID: jfleener

MSN/Windows Live Messenger: jfle...@digitalexegesis.com

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