Fleener Family Update - Mandy has unexpected surgery

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Joe Fleener

May 27, 2010, 4:31:01 PM5/27/10
to Joe Fleener



Many of you would have read this on our Blog or FaceBook by now, but for others who do not venture into such Internet worlds, I thought I would take a moment to update you on a rather major, unplanned event in our lives since Sunday night!


I’m just copying here what I already put on my blog to save the time in retyping everything. It has been a very full week!




12:30am Sunday, after Mandy had been experiencing severe abdominal pain for 20 minutes, I took her to A&E.

The doctor there originally diagnosed her with kidney stones. After heaps of pain meds she was admitted to hospital at 3:30am Monday.

Around 9am she had a CT scan which revealed that the pain was not from kidney stones. What they found was a mass growing on/around one of her ovaries.

The specialist opted to proceed to surgery right away.

By 1:30pm Mandy was in theatre and undergoing surgery.

The surgery lasted just over two hours. In the end it was quite extensive as they found the mass had wrapped itself around her ovary and caused a good bit of damage.

In the end they had to remove a good bit. The recovery will take some time.

By 5pm she was on the Ward and feeling quite wasted.

It is now 1:30pm, Tuesday. We still haven't met with the surgeon for post-op, so there is a lot we don't know.

She will certainly be in hospital until at least tomorrow. It will take some time to get pathology results on the mass as well.

We have been so encouraged by so many expressions of concern and prayer from so many friends. Thank you all.

We are resting in our Father's love, knowing that He does all things well, for the good of His children.

Romans 8:32




We had a lovely time around Mummy's hospital bed holding hands and singing hymns.


Mekaela read several passages of Scripture for Mummy, Tabitha prayed, and Gavin held is Mum very close!


These are special times we won't soon forget. We are so very blessed.






She's home! To quote Tabitha: "Thank you God! That's what we prayed!"





Rejoicing in the Lord's Providence

Now that Mandy's surgery is over and we have some time to sit and reflect on the events of the past couple of days, we are compelled to give praise and thanks to the Lord for His kind providence.

1. If this would have happened this coming Sunday, I would have been in Auckland.
2. We have a young man who boards with us. Therefore, even though this happened in the middle of the night I was able to take Mandy to hospital right away as he could be at the house with the kids.
3. We were able to get straight into a doctor which meant Mandy was admitted quickly and I wad abject to be home when the kids woke up so they didn't wake up to both of us gone.
4. The A&E doctor ordered a CT scan which revealed this wasn't kidney stones, but more serious.
5. The specialist responded quickly and rather than ordering more test just opted for surgery straight away.
6. There was an opening in surgery within an hour, so Mandy was moved to next in line.
7. When they did the surgery, her ovary had already swollen to the size of a grapefruit and burst. Not a moment too late for the surgery.
8. We have a doctor friend who was in the surgery theatre at the same time and was able to keep me informed since we didn't hear from Mandy's surgeon until the next day.
9. We have a nurse friend who has been Mandy's nurse and has been a great source of information as well.
10. Mandy had an appointment this week with the doctor which would have resulted in a referral to see a specialist, which would have taken 6 months. However, she was able to see the specialist within hours!
11. There was already someone else scheduled to teach at our Monday night home group, so I didn't even have to think about it.
12. With an iPhone, FaceBook, Twitter, blog, email, texting, & Skype we have been able to keep people informed, stay in touch with family and friends from around the world.
13. With the same tools, I have been able to work, read, and rearrange schedules, appointments, & plans all from the hospital.
14. We have a number of friends who have been available in very short notice to help with the kids.
15. The kids have been fantastic as they have realized how special their Mum is to them and have stepped up to help in so many ways.

We are so thankful to the Lord for His kind providence. We have a wonderful Heavenly Father Who does all things well.

We have many more details to work through and rearrange over the next few weeks (it's amazing how complex life cam be with three children, home school, concerts, work, ministry, etc.). However, we are resting in the grace of our Lord at this time.

Blessings in Christ


Mandy is home now. She came home yesterday afternoon. As a further revealing of the Lord’s kind providence, I had to teach TSBC classes yesterday, but we not have a two week break from classes. So, I will be able to be home to help Mandy and attempt to maintain the kids’ schooling as much as possible (nowhere close to what Mummy would do, I am sure!).


Mandy is restricted from all activity for two weeks, driving for at least one, and then easing back into things for another two weeks – four weeks total.


We are so amazed at the Lord’s provision and kindness through all of this. To God be the glory, great things He has done!


Blessings in Christ,



Joe Fleener

("If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." - C. S. Lewis)

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Lecturer (Old Testament, Church History, Christian Worldview, Apologetics, Ethics)

The Shepherd's Bible College

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