Fleener Ministry Quick Update - Aug. 24, 2006

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Joe Fleener

Aug 24, 2006, 6:34:40 AM8/24/06
to Fleenersin...@googlegroups.com
Dear friends,

We just want to share two amazing praises and one prayer request...

Praise #1:

About a month ago Mandy got new glasses. Ever since she picked them up something has not been right about the prescription. They have been "corrected" once already resulting in no real improvement.

Since we are leaving PA this Monday morning we really didn't know what we were going to be able to do about this.

However we returned once more to the store where they were purchased. This time they gave us a refund with no problems and we were able to take her prescription to another doctor who we know will do an excellent job and have them back by this weekend!

Praise #2:

Not too long ago I started to have significant problems with my laptop! (Actually any problem with my laptop is significant, since my whole life is on there!)
Anyway, I have an extended warranty so I called to see what could be done. They gave me all kinds of grief and were very unhelpful.
I kind of talked myself into living with it, but it has only gotten worse.
Finally, today I went into Circuit City, where I bought it 1 1/2 years ago and explained the issues I was having with the computer, the problems the warranty customer service folks were giving me, etc. and told them that I really needed this fixed and all before Saturday!
To my amazement, the store manager, on the spot gave me store credit for the amount I paid for the laptop 1 1/2 years ago, told me to pick out a new laptop for that price, leave my old one and they would copy over all my data!
I almost gave the manager a huge bear hug, but didn't!
I did tell him how grateful I was and how, even if he does not realize it, God is doing "much more than I could ever ask or think!"
We just wanted to share those praises with everyone. Things are crazy right now, as we are looking to depart Pennsylvania on Monday and the US on Sept. 3rd, but God is still at work and doing some amazing stuff!

Prayer Request:

We are starting to receive more details regarding the arrival of our container in New Zealand. On one hand it looks like it's arriving there before us will not be a problem - in fact we should be able to have it delivered to our house within a day or two of our arrival!

However, as of right now, the delivery cost for the container to be delivered from Auckland to our house in Hastings is being quoted at about double what we planned.

I have asked a couple of questions regarding some of the charges that may lower the total cost.

Please pray that the cost would come down, or the Lord would provide the necessary funds - and above all that we will be satisfied and thankful with whatever the Lord does!

In Christ's service,

Joe, Mandy, Mekaela, Gavin, & Tabitha
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