We are pleased to announce a new Flatcar Container Linux release for
Alpha 4012.0.0, Beta 3975.1.0, Stable 3815.2.4 and LTS 3510.3.4.
Important Announcement: Move to Docker 25
We will begin moving to Docker 25 (or newer) in the near future. Among other changes, Docker 25 and above remove the devicemapper
storage driver. While new provisionings should not be affected by the
change, long-lived nodes which use this back-end will break after the
- We plan to introduce Docker 25 (or a newer release) in the Alpha release late July 2024.
- We expect the Docker upgrade to hit Stable in October 2024 the earliest.
Any nodes using the devicemapper storage driver will lose access to
all docker state (local container images and stopped containers) after
this update. Please participate in Beta testing and run Beta canaries
if you suspect you might be affected.
If you are reading this after Docker 25 hits stable in late 2024 and
want to keep using Docker 24 while still updating to the latest OS
release, please consider masking Docker 25 altogether and using the
Docker 24 sysext from our sysext-bakery.
Please find a full, up-to-date list of deprecated and removed features across Docker versions here: https://github.com/docker/cli/blob/master/docs/deprecated.md
We will also discuss the docker upgrade and provide status updates in our Office Hours and Developer Sync calls.
Alpha 4012.0.0
Changes since Alpha 3975.0.0
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue file generation from /etc/issue.d (scripts#2018)
- Added Akamai / Linode images (flatcar/scripts#1806)
- Provided a Python Flatcar extension as optional systemd-sysext image with the release. Write 'python' to /etc/flatcar/enabled-sysext.conf through Ignition and the sysext will be installed during provisioning (scripts#1979)
- OpenStack: Changed metadata hostname source order. The service first
tries with the config drive then fallback on the metadata service. (bootengine#96)
- Removed unused grub executable duplicate files and removed grub modules that are already assembled in the grub executable (scripts#1955).
- libcrypt is now provided by the libxcrypt library instead of glibc. Glibc libcrypt was deprecated long time ago.
Beta 3975.1.0
Changes since Beta 3941.1.0
Security fixes:
- expat (CVE-2023-52425, CVE-2024-28757)
- gnutls (CVE-2024-28834, CVE-2024-28835)
- intel-microcode (CVE-2023-22655, CVE-2023-28746, CVE-2023-38575, CVE-2023-39368, CVE-2023-43490)
- less (CVE-2024-32487)
- SDK: python (CVE-2023-6597, CVE-2024-0450, gh-81194, gh-113659, gh-102388, gh-114572, gh-115243)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue file generation from /etc/issue.d (scripts#2018)
- Added KubeVirt qcow2 image for amd64/arm64 (flatcar/scripts#1962)
- Added azure-nvme-utils to the image, which is used by udev to create
symlinks for NVMe disks on Azure v6 instances under /dev/disk/azure/. (scripts#1950)
- Backported systemd-sysext mutable overlays functionality from yet-unreleased systemd v256. (flatcar/scripts#1753)
- Provided a Podman Flatcar extension as optional systemd-sysext image with the release. Write 'podman' to /etc/flatcar/enabled-sysext.conf through Ignition and the sysext will be installed during provisioning (scripts#1964)
- OpenStack: Changed metadata hostname source order. The service first
tries with the config drive then fallback on the metadata service. (bootengine#96)
Changes since Alpha 3975.0.0
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue file generation from /etc/issue.d (scripts#2018)
- OpenStack: Changed metadata hostname source order. The service first
tries with the config drive then fallback on the metadata service. (bootengine#96)
Stable 3815.2.4
Changes since Stable 3815.2.3
- Added azure-nvme-utils to the image, which is used by udev to create
symlinks for NVMe disks on Azure v6 instances under /dev/disk/azure/. (scripts#1950)
LTS 3510.3.4
Changes since LTS 3510.3.3
The Flatcar Container Linux Maintainers