just wondering

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Kevin Phytagoras

May 2, 2013, 9:13:11 AM5/2/13
to flartool...@googlegroups.com
Hey guys. My name is Kevin Phytagoras. I'm new here, so if any of my behavior is unacceptable, i apologize.
Right now i'm developing final project about augmented reality and using FLARtoolkit. But i have some question :
1. Can i make object that i augmented appear outside or the marker. If it can, how ?
2. If i want to animate the object, how do i do it ? From the 3D model or from the source code ?
3. Can i make one marker augmented with more than one object ? if it can, how ?

I know i ask too much for first time, i hope it doesn't bother you at all.
Thanks for your attention. Any replies are welcomed.
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