Love is What We've Got

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Florida Forum for Social Justice

Aug 24, 2012, 4:47:02 PM8/24/12
Florida Forum
        for Social Justice

Love is What We've Got

bernie sanders


Bernie makes no bones about it - the middle class is being destroyed, and we know exactly who is doing it.

Our new video for Bernie - please share with other liberals and progressives:

bernie clip

Please contribute to FFSJ, so we can support and promote Bernie Sanders' campaign, and other great progressives, in order to shore up the progressive movement, brick by brick.

We continue to push in the direction of liberal and progressive American ideals.

The Florida Forum for Social Justice is a Leadership PAC founded by Nicholas Ruiz III, Ph.D, that advocates for basic civil rights and freedom, social justice, and the support of progressive federal candidates and incumbents that do the same.

Please Donate

Thank you for your support and solidarity!

paid for by the Florida Forum for Social Justice

and not authorized by any candidate or campaign committee

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