Ask the GOP: How Deep Is Your Love?

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Nicholas Ruiz III

Jul 13, 2012, 12:18:10 PM7/13/12

NRIII 2012!

Ask the GOP: How Deep Is Your Love?

NRIII 2012 at

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My dearest friends and allies,

So the conservatives are at it again, 'conserving' healthcare from Americans, repealing healthcare. Manufacturing scarcity where none need be.

Could you imagine if the GOP were allowed to manufacture scarcity with fire and police services, so that they too, were fee for service enterprises? They are already busy with private prison schemes, trying to make the people's system of justice and the penal code, 'profitable.'

Anything that's worth doing, is worth doing for money, right? WRONG.

Government is not about profiteering. It's an instrument of the people for the purpose of ensuring a relatively just and equitable commonwealth.

My opponents are some of the worst perpetrators of misguided Tea Party dissonance, lobbyist luaus, and political dysfunction. The policies of representatives like these mark America's recent inability to work constructively on so many issues like global warming, record poverty among vulnerable groups like children and seniors, a catastrophically mismanaged educational system and a colossal lack of employment opportunity for too many of our young people today.

As a professor of philosophy and humanities, my commitment to the education, health and future of our people is long and sustained. What America needs right now, more than anything else, are people who are willing to represent our common interests for the betterment of the majority of all Americans. Citizens who truly share a love for the common good of all people. People like you and I.

We have a primary election on August 14 - and early voting starts on August 4th - we need your help today.

We can reach more people in this campaign with your contribution. Please pitch in as much as you can today.

And remember, please vote RUIZ on August 14! :-)

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Many thanks for your support!

Drop in and ask a question anytime on Reddit!

Nicholas Ruiz III, Ph.D

Nicholas Ruiz III for Congress

PO Box 1372

New Smyrna Beach, FL

USA 32170

Follow @NRIII on Twitter:!/nriii

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and approved by Nicholas Ruiz III, 

Democratic candidate for Congress. 

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