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'Young Scholars Colloquium on "State of Research in Human Rights: Prospective and Retrospective" by Centre for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad

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Nov 4, 2011, 5:14:04 AM11/4/11
The Centre for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad is organising
Young Scholars Colloquium on "State of Research in Human Rights:
Prospective and Retrospective" during 1-2 February, 2012. The purpose
of this Colloquium is to bring together the young scholars who are
working in different areas of human rights and provide an opportunity
for their interaction.

We welcome submissions, both theoretical and empirical, dealing with
the issues related to research on human rights and other allied areas.
We encourage Ph.D students enrolled in any disciplines of social
sciences across the Indian universities who are working on the theme
of human rights to send their papers. In addition, young faculty
members who have been working on human rights issues are also
encouraged. The following broad themes are identified to present

Rights of the Dalit and Tribal. Rights of children, Women and other
marginalised sections. Rights of the People with Disabilities.
Organisation, Innovation and protection of Human Rights. Human Rights
and Non Governmental Sector. Human Rights Movements, both at national
and international level. Any other research contributes to widen
knowledge of human rights.

Abstract in 500 words on any one of the themes mentioned above should
be sent to with a copy to on or before 30th November, 2011.

Notification of the selected abstracts will be intimated to the
concern candidates before 5th December, 2011, while those abstracts
which are not considered will also be separately intimated. Last date
for submission of full length paper is 5th January, 2012. Best papers
will be published in either Indian Journal of Human Rights or in a
special volume.

Travel and Accommodation
The Centre will reimburse III AC train fare for the selected
outstation participants in shortest route from their respective
institutions. In addition, the participants will be provided with a
modest accommodation at the University Guest House. There will be no
registration fee. If you have any queries regarding the Colloquium,
please feel free to contact Mr. Rama Krishna Reddy, Research Associate
at the Centre on his email id or call him on his
mobile no (s) 09494584668/ 09989396002.
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