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Is there a good WSYWIG Editor that does NOT change your HTML?

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Terry Watkins

Feb 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/20/98

I'm looking for a good WSYWIG Html editor that:

1) Displays your page exactly like the browser.

2) Does not add/modify existing HTML

I'm not looking for advanced like frames, tables, etc. I'm looking for
something more like a word processor that would allow me to add text, bold,
italics, blockquotes, etc. I have a lot of large pages I need to edit from
time to time and having to use HTML code is a time-consuming pain.

I've tried MS Frontpage, and some others, but have not found anything too

Any recommendations, etc please email to:
Terry Watkins

Terry Watkins

Feb 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/20/98

John C. Ring, Jr.

Feb 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/20/98

In article <6ckbt4$lj7$>, "Terry Watkins" <> wrote:
>I'm looking for a good WSYWIG Html editor that:
>1) Displays your page exactly like the browser.

Display like *WHAT* browser? Lynx, Opera, IE 2.0, IE 3.02, IE 4.01, NS 2.0,
NS 3.0, etc, etc, etc...

>2) Does not add/modify existing HTML

You will not find one that 100% does not mess with what's alreay there.
However, Dreamweaver from MacroMedia is reasonably non-intrusive, and if I was
going to lay down about three hundred dollars for an editor, that would be my
choice of the GUI based editors.

Also, I've not played with for a long time, but maybe HotMetal might be good
for this, also.

>I'm not looking for advanced like frames, tables, etc. I'm looking for
>something more like a word processor that would allow me to add text, bold,
>italics, blockquotes, etc. I have a lot of large pages I need to edit from
>time to time and having to use HTML code is a time-consuming pain.

Interesting. I myself find it just as easy to add B /B, I /I, etc, as playing
around with selecting a bunch of text.

GUI editors can, I admit, be easier to use when editing existing embedded
tables. Of course, embedding tables in tables may not be very wise in the
first place :)

>I've tried MS Frontpage, and some others, but have not found anything too

A pox on you for even mentioning that product :)

Have you ever tried a text editor such as HomeSite from
Allaire? (

With it, you can select text and hit the "italic" button just like with a GUI
editor. And it will not mess with your stuff, except if you ask it nicely :)

>Any recommendations, etc please email to:
>Terry Watkins

Sorry, but no. If myself and others can take the time to answer your
question, you can make the time to read the group for it. Who knows, by
reading the group you might even find the answer to your next question before
asking it :)

John C. Ring, Jr.
Network Specialist II
Union Switch & Signal Inc.

Earl W. Phillips, Jr.

Feb 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/21/98

try web express, @

Terry Watkins <> wrote in article

> I'm looking for a good WSYWIG Html editor that:
> 1) Displays your page exactly like the browser.

> 2) Does not add/modify existing HTML

> I'm not looking for advanced like frames, tables, etc. I'm looking for
> something more like a word processor that would allow me to add text,
> italics, blockquotes, etc. I have a lot of large pages I need to edit
> time to time and having to use HTML code is a time-consuming pain.

> I've tried MS Frontpage, and some others, but have not found anything too
> good.

Mark Waterous

Feb 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/22/98

On Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:16:46 -0600, "Terry Watkins" <>

>I'm looking for a good WSYWIG Html editor that:
>1) Displays your page exactly like the browser.

You won't find any that displays your page exactly like _the_
browser, because there isn't just one browser. There are numerous
browsers, and all render HTML differently on screen.

>2) Does not add/modify existing HTML
>I'm not looking for advanced like frames, tables, etc. I'm looking for
>something more like a word processor that would allow me to add text, bold,
>italics, blockquotes, etc. I have a lot of large pages I need to edit from
>time to time and having to use HTML code is a time-consuming pain.

Try notepad. I've heard other people suggest such things as
Homesite, and others, but I find that there isn't any HTML editor out
there that has the same amount of easily accessible and helpful
features as it does have clutter.

Mark Waterous - Senior Designer
Silas Productions (
-Web Site Design (Section Nearing Completion)
-Html Tutorials (In Development)
-Onlyne (In Development)
-Link Library (In Development)

Malcolm Austen

Feb 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/23/98

In article <6ckc02$ljf$>,

Terry Watkins <> wrote:
>I'm looking for a good WSYWIG Html editor that:
>1) Displays your page exactly like the browser.

Like which browser, exactly?

Oh, come to that, what is WSYWIG?! I assume it's WYSIWYG you're after ..

If you really want WYSIWIG .. just click <reload> or <refresh> or <whatever>
on the half-dozen or so browser windows you will have to have open 8-)

Dave V.

Feb 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/25/98


The 'WebMania!' HTML editor might be of help to you.
WebMania 2.0a includes a SpellChecker, multiple
document interface, a Frame Wizard, an Image Map Wizard, and
a Forms Wizard which creates CGI and/or mailto forms, and
also decodes, reads, and stores forms responses.
WebMania also includes 60 user-programmable toolbar
buttons to ensure non-obsolescence, JavaScript generation
for things like Scrolling Status Bar Messages and form
submission acknowledgement, a Macro recorder, and many other
popular and useful features.
Feel free to visit our web site at
and download your copy.

On Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:16:46 -0600, "Terry Watkins" <> wrote:

>I'm looking for a good WSYWIG Html editor that:
>1) Displays your page exactly like the browser.

>2) Does not add/modify existing HTML
>I'm not looking for advanced like frames, tables, etc. I'm looking for
>something more like a word processor that would allow me to add text, bold,
>italics, blockquotes, etc. I have a lot of large pages I need to edit from
>time to time and having to use HTML code is a time-consuming pain.

>I've tried MS Frontpage, and some others, but have not found anything too
>Any recommendations, etc please email to:
>Terry Watkins

Dave V.
Q&D Software -
Creators of WebForms, WebMania, and Adaptable Applets
For the best SHAREWARE on the Net, check out:
** The Shareware Central Interactive Catalog **
** **

Mark Waterous

Feb 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/25/98

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998 02:56:19 GMT, (Dave V.) wrote:

> The 'WebMania!' HTML editor might be of help to you.

He's baaaa-aaack!

Mark Waterous - Senior Designer
Silas Productions (
-Services Section (Section Nearing Completion)

Ian Blackburn

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

I've been playing around with the Macromedia Dreamweaver demo for a couple
of days, and I'm fairly impressed with it. It doesn't screw with your
HTML, anyway.

To reply directly, ROT-13 my address.

Chris Bolt

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

I agree that HomeSite is the best I have tried, and I too have not tried
MacroMedia, but there is a small note... HomeSite is not a WYSIWYG editor.
WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editors usually don't show any HTML
at all, and HomeSite requires at least some knowlege of HTML.

>I'm working with Homesite 3.0 in an web-design firm...
>It's the best I've tested...
>(Ok I'll never tried macromedia...)

Chris Bolt


Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

This seems to be true. It also can do some JavaScript functions
without requiring coding.

On Tue, 03 Mar 1998 12:21:14 -0500, v...@lbxv.pbz (Ian Blackburn)

Marc Ende

Mar 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/4/98


Mar 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/4/98

Well, CosmoCreat isn't that bad at all. Not only is it WYSWIG, but you
can also go in and play with the HTML code itself. Speaking of the
HTML code, once it is written it looks great. Indented and all, easy to
read. Making image maps is as simple as pointing and clicking as well.


Chris Bolt wrote:
> I agree that HomeSite is the best I have tried, and I too have not tried
> MacroMedia, but there is a small note... HomeSite is not a WYSIWYG editor.
> WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editors usually don't show any HTML
> at all, and HomeSite requires at least some knowlege of HTML.

"We feel sorry for people who don't drink because when you get up in
the morning that's as good as you're going to feel for the rest of
the day."
-Frank Sinatra

To respond, remove 'REMOVETHIS.' in my email.

Phil Stripling

Mar 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/10/98
to (Mark Waterous) writes:

> On Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:16:46 -0600, "Terry Watkins" <>
> wrote:


> >2) Does not add/modify existing HTML
> >
> >I'm not looking for advanced like frames, tables, etc. I'm looking for
> >something more like a word processor that would allow me to add text, bold,
> >italics, blockquotes, etc. I have a lot of large pages I need to edit from
> >time to time and having to use HTML code is a time-consuming pain.

> Try notepad. I've heard other people suggest such things as
> Homesite, and others, but I find that there isn't any HTML editor out
> there that has the same amount of easily accessible and helpful
> features as it does have clutter.

I missed the original question, so I don't know the OS used by Terry
Watkins, if it was stated. For the Mac, I would recommend BBEdit or BBEdit
Lite as one that does a good job with HTML. BBEdit (both versions) allows
for extensions which allow you to associate frequently used elements with
whatever keys you wish, providing for very quick and spelling problem free
markup. I have a Windows notebook and tried Homesite, but it filled up my
screen with its own windows and stuff, leaving too small an area for text
entry. My second try was happier. The authors of Agile posted a note here
suggesting their program to someone, so I tried it out. It provides
functionality similar to BBEdit under Windows 95, with (in the version I
have) automated tag entry for HTML 2 and 3.2; I have not checked lately for
an update. If you find Homesite to big and cluttered, you might try
Agile. I am sorry but I have forgotten the purchase price -- information is
available at where I am sure the price is
given, along with how to get a demo copy.

Phil Stripling |Sorry for the inconvenience of the
The Civilized Explorer |munged reply, but you know what. |you need to remove.

João Luis

Mar 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/11/98

Hotdog Pro

Daniel Walters

Mar 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/13/98
Hotdog is a good program but it is not WYSIWYG. My company has a WYSIWYG
editor for beginners called Splash. It is html 3.2 compliant and WYSIWYG
- you should check out for more information.


Daniel Walters

João Luis wrote:

> Hotdog Pro

Daniel Walters (

Splash - "It'll do for you
what Hawaii Five-O did for
Hawaiin Shirts"



Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

HotMetal Pro 4 is good, WYSIWYG view, tags view, and HTML view. dead easy
to use.

Daniel Walters <> wrote in article


Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

adobe pagemill 3.0 is the best WYSIWYG.

ICQ - 6705458
AOL IM - IrishProd
~My Home Page *web design*~
Email -

Ewen wrote in message <01bd508b$64b06540$a642a8c2@preinstalledcom>...

Quincy Persons

Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

IMHO, Macromedia Dreamweaver is the only WYSIWYG application worth
the money. I've been a dedicated BBEdit user for almost three years
now, and I still use it. But Dreamweaver is slowly making a believer
out of me. My advice is to shop around. A good place to start is an
article on a site that I'm working with called TechTools. They have
an article called "Weaving The Web Fantastic" that explores the state
of web authoring applications today, and gives product reviews of the
very best, including Dreamweaver. You can find the article at:

Hope this helped. Good luck.


>adobe pagemill 3.0 is the best WYSIWYG.

Mar 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/19/98

Apologies if this is off-charter

> IMHO, Macromedia Dreamweaver is the only WYSIWYG application worth
> the money. I've been a dedicated BBEdit user for almost three
> years now, and I still use it. But Dreamweaver is slowly making a
> believer out of me.

Download this HTML document (a little over 1 Megabyte in size)
and try to open it in your favourite HTML editor. Then try with



Warren Lauzon

Mar 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/19/98

Works fine in FP98. The real question is, what kind of idiot would make
such a huge html file.

-- wrote in message <3511F7...@no.spam>...

>Apologies if this is off-charter

Mike Fry

Mar 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/21/98

There is a new tool that will blow you away. It is not really an
editor. You can not write *ANY* html with it. But what you can do is
create 100% WYSIWYG web page layouts with the tool. It links to your
preferred editor (BBEdit or Dreamweaver if you like) to embed HTML
areas. It links to your favorite animation software for adding animated
areas that seamlessly blend with other areas of the page. It also has
hooks to your favorite image editor (I will never give up Photoshop!) to
automatically generate mouse rollover and clicked images that may be
part of a larger image.

The software then generates all HTML and javascript (with no proprietary
crud) to produce the animation, mouse effects, and a 100% WYSIWYG
version of the web page.

Free demo is available at:

Currently available for Mac, Win95/NT coming this summer.

IMO, PageSplitter is the first 100% WYSIWYG tool I have seen. But,
again, this tool does not replace Dreamweaver or BBEdit. It adds a
graphical layout layer to your favorite tool. wrote:

> Apologies if this is off-charter

> > IMHO, Macromedia Dreamweaver is the only WYSIWYG application worth
> > the money. I've been a dedicated BBEdit user for almost three
> > years now, and I still use it. But Dreamweaver is slowly making a
> > believer out of me.

> Download this HTML document (a little over 1 Megabyte in size)
> and try to open it in your favourite HTML editor. Then try with
> Dreamweaver.
> <>
> Ben.

Minneapolis, Minnesota/USA

"Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they are yours."
- Richard Bach

Chris Stephens

Mar 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/25/98

Macromedia Dreamweaver offers 100% roundtrip html. It doesn't reformat any
of your code! You can also edit the code in the WYSIWYG editor or in
Homesite/BBedit and it will update the other.


|* Chris Stephens
|* Next Step Media
|* HTTP://
|* Home of the ShockZone and the Web Kit

Mar 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/25/98

On Wed, 25 Mar 1998 11:24:15 -0500, Chris Stephens
<> wrote:

>Macromedia Dreamweaver offers 100% roundtrip html. It doesn't reformat any
>of your code! You can also edit the code in the WYSIWYG editor or in
>Homesite/BBedit and it will update the other.

Same with GoLive CyberStudio. Just received it yesterday, and it looks
GREAT so far!

Mike Fry

Mar 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/25/98

Same with PageSplitter (though, technically, PS is not an editor). It does put
out 100% pure HTML and JavaScript with no proprietary crud in the code. wrote:


Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98

i've had vey good results using the Luckman web edit pro it handles
that very well

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