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Incest in Japan??

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Dec 5, 2001, 2:11:33 PM12/5/01
Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
distracted from their schoolwork. That is one of the "sickest" things I've
heard, but the people who I heard it from didn't think it was sick, just the
way things are, like some cultures who eat dogs & cats. When I asked my wife
about it, she said that she heard such things as well, but doesn't know how
"common" it is. She's never known anyone to admit such things, even if it
were true. She says it's not something Japanese would openly discuss, unlike
the sickos in America who would go on daytime TV shows (like Jerry Springer)
to tell everyone about their sickness. I was shocked to hear such things,
especially since I have such high regard for the Japanese culture (that
reminds me of the day my Korean barber told me "Dog meat taste very good."

Does this really happen? How "common" is it? And what other types of incest
happen there? Why is it not considered "shocking" news?

Uminchu / naive and disillusioned


Dec 5, 2001, 2:20:42 PM12/5/01

"Uminchu" <> wrote in message

It's a new one on me!


Dec 5, 2001, 2:35:52 PM12/5/01

Geee blow job by Japanese mothers. Maybe it's an isolated case rather
something that's common. Hopefully.

, although anything in
possible, I eah, how common? I sure didn't experenced it nor hear about


Dec 5, 2001, 2:40:13 PM12/5/01

Geee blow job by Japanese mothers. Maybe it's an isolated case rather

Aika Florence Yasui

Dec 5, 2001, 9:39:08 AM12/5/01
Uminchu wrote:

I was born and raised in Japan ... but I've never heard of this ever in my life.
This is "common" affair? Gee, I didn't know anything about it, that's really
news to me.

Aika Florence Yasui, MSIT
Developer/Instructional Designer
Interactive Marketing

L-A Advertising
Visit our web site at:


Dec 5, 2001, 2:47:09 PM12/5/01
excuse me for squeezing in a few seconds ( being in Paris currently I
shouldn't even be lurking around here ) but I do remember reading about a
mother performing fellatio on her baby boy to calm him down ( ! )
in Ryu MURAKAMI's " Coin Locker Babies" (along with numerous incest-based
hentai thrash)

However as a former social-anthropologist ( herm), I very much doubt that
any culture can promote mother-son *sexual* relationships for whatever
reason that may be.
(apart maybe to instiguate a massive trolly thread perhaps ?)

cheers to all


"Uminchu" <> wrote in message

J. Politte

Dec 5, 2001, 3:02:51 PM12/5/01
In article <FjuP7.1408$>,
Uminchu <> wrote:

> Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> distracted from their schoolwork.

I must have been born in the wrong country.


Taro Yamada

Dec 5, 2001, 4:15:10 PM12/5/01

Uminchu <> wrote in message
> Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> distracted from their schoolwork.

Not common, but rare occasions. Some XXXvideos of incest available in Japan.

BTW Iam wondering if there are really sons who are NOT distracted from their
schoolwork despite having oral sex services from their mothers.



Dec 5, 2001, 4:39:59 PM12/5/01

"Uminchu" <> wrote in message

Think about it.
Japan would very quickly become the worlds no.1 destination for exchange

Maybe youve got an idea there that could save the Japanese economy.


Dec 5, 2001, 5:32:05 PM12/5/01
Okay, to answer the guy's question, no, it isn't common. I've heard of
mothers masturbating their
male children, but I would imagine that favor is bestowed only by the most
neurotic kyouiku mama.
The fact is that at that age, males are pretty much constantly horny anyway. So
if a mom thought
that satisfying that desire manually for her child would help him concentrate on
his studies, she would be busy at least every waking hour on the hour. Or should
that read, "wanking hour." Kinda puts a new twist on the words, "milk maid, "

Steve Sundberg

Dec 5, 2001, 5:43:48 PM12/5/01
Urban legend.

On Wed, 05 Dec 2001 19:11:33 GMT, "Uminchu" <>

Dave Fossett

Dec 5, 2001, 5:41:58 PM12/5/01
"aladdinsane" <> wrote...

> Okay, to answer the guy's question, no, it isn't common. I've
heard of
> mothers masturbating their
> male children, but I would imagine that favor is bestowed only by the
> neurotic kyouiku mama.

Is this an urban legend ? I have read similar stories on newsgroups
before, but never seen any Japanese sources. There's nothing on, I suppose?

Dave Fossett
Saitama, JAPAN


Dec 5, 2001, 5:49:32 PM12/5/01

Ed Jacob

Dec 5, 2001, 6:24:41 PM12/5/01
This story comes from a Japanese Tabloid called the Asahi Geino. The person
who told you about it probably read it in a book called "Tokyo Confidential:
Tittilating Tales From Japan's Wild Weeklies" by Mark Schrieber. There was
a book published by a famous cram school director who wrote about the great
lengths people go through to get into university which was the origin of the
story. It's probably true that a handful of mothers out of a population of
millions did it, but it's not a wide-spread phenomenon. This kind of story
appears every week in the Mainichi Daily News' WaiWai section at:

Ed Jacob

"Uminchu" <> wrote in message

Kaz Tanaka

Dec 5, 2001, 8:17:28 PM12/5/01
Aika Florence Yasui <> wrote in message news:<>...

> I was born and raised in Japan ... but I've never heard of this ever in my life.
> This is "common" affair? Gee, I didn't know anything about it, that's really
> news to me.

No worries Yasui, Kaminarikun, Simon and other folks. "Uminchu" is
just a troll. He is a sick Polack and he has been insulting, looking
down on Japanese and believing the fraud of Tokyo-japs that is "every
Osakans is Yakuza or criminals" with his sick Okinawan wife who has a
bad attitude against every mainland Japanese in scj from a few month
ago. You could check his ugly and silly posts in the past by Google.

Kaz Tanaka

Dec 5, 2001, 11:02:09 PM12/5/01
"Taro Yamada" <> wrote in message news:<9um2r1$a8c$>...

> Uminchu <> wrote in message
> news:FjuP7.1408$
> > Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> > perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> > distracted from their schoolwork.
> Not common, but rare occasions. Some XXXvideos of incest available in Japan.

Rare? It seems Taro has grown up with his mother's nice tongue. In
addition, surely he seems like the one of those maniac fans of Hentai

Michael Cash

Dec 6, 2001, 4:39:25 AM12/6/01
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 07:41:58 +0900, "Dave Fossett"
<re...@via.newsgroup> timidly twittered:

I suspect the answer lies in the matter of degree. That it happens, I
have no doubt. That it happens to the degree that some would have you
believe...well, that moves it toward the urban legend side of the

I have read one Japanese book on the subject. I wish I could recall
the title. It included material, comments, interviews etc. with
counselors working youth counsel ling hotlines. Some of the kids just
sort of took it for granted, it seems.


Michael Cash

"No, Mr. Cash, I never said you're unique. I said you're a eunuch."

Prof. Ernest T. Bass
Mount Pilot College

Japan from the Driver's Seat FAQ/Alt-FAQ

Michael Cash

Dec 6, 2001, 4:53:43 AM12/6/01
On Wed, 05 Dec 2001 19:11:33 GMT, "Uminchu" <>
timidly twittered:

Sometime this month I expect to finish up my translation of a 1993
bestseller which touches on the matter. The author relates being raped
by her stepfather. A translation of about 1/3 of the book is up on my
site now. I have about another 1/3 of it worked up right now and am
sort of debating how much of it I should publicly post. If you want to
take a look at what there is so far, just follow the "Father Fucker"
link from the URL in my signature below. The actual sexual abuse
doesn't appear until well after the portion that is available there,
though. So if that's specifically what you're looking for, don't

More interesting to me is not the matter of Japanese mothers
masturbating or blowing their sons, but rather the matter of Japanese
mothers *killing* their children. Good ole 無理心中 (muri-shinjuu)
with the kids, a time-honored Japanese tradition, it would seem.

Seriously, here lately I've been systematically going through old
newspapers at the library, paying special attention to murder cases,
and it is disturbingly common. One was where Baa-chan got weary of
taking care of Jii-chan, so she bashed him and their 3 grandchildren
(all under age 10) in the head and slashed their throats before going
out onto the veranda and hanging herself. Left behind her son and
son's wife (grandkids' parents). Grannie was one incredibly selfish
and thoughtless bitch, if you ask me. Imagine the mom trying to
continue a marriage with the son of the woman who killed all three of
her kids...She should have just killed Gramps and herself.

All in all, I would suspect there are far more kids who get beatings,
neglect, and abuse than who get a salacious blow job from mom to help
them with their studies.

Ryan Ginstrom

Dec 6, 2001, 5:00:30 AM12/6/01

"Michael Cash" <> wrote in message > More interesting

to me is not the matter of Japanese mothers
> masturbating or blowing their sons, but rather the matter of Japanese
> mothers *killing* their children. Good ole 無理心中 (muri-shinjuu)
> with the kids, a time-honored Japanese tradition, it would seem.

Something I have always wanted to know -- are these included in the murder

Ryan Ginstrom


Dec 6, 2001, 5:11:34 AM12/6/01
In article <9unfh2$qtk$>,
"Ryan Ginstrom" <> wrote:
:Something I have always wanted to know -- are these included in the murder

Probably yes, because the cases are sent to prosecutor's office.
But, in Japanese juridical system, those who are dead will not be prosecuted.
shuji matsuda <>

Taro Yamada

Dec 6, 2001, 6:03:39 AM12/6/01

Kaz Tanaka <> wrote in message

Nor more than your fantasy, Kasu.

A couple years ago I often saw ads of such videos available in
Uwasa-no-shinso magazine. Therefore what I wrote is no less than to
describe a social phenomeon I saw.


Michael Cash

Dec 6, 2001, 6:39:19 AM12/6/01
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 19:00:30 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
<> timidly twittered:

What particularly struck me was one article about a family from
Yokohama who drove down to Shizuoka, rigged up a hose from the exhaust
pipe to the inside of the car, and rode off into that big freeway in
the sky together. Father, Mother, infant. It was reported as being
merely a 心中 and not a 無理心中. Somehow I rather doubt that the
infant consented to the suicide pact. I would consider that one
murder, don't know if the cops did or not.

As an aside, anybody hear about those nice old ladies involved in the
insurance scam murders in Fukushima? This is recent news,by the way.
Seems there were a couple of guys who set three old ladies up in an
apartment in Tochigi and then took out life insurance on one of them.
They took the 77 year old victim "sightseeing" in Iwaki and one of the
men ran over her as she crossed the street. Apparently the first time
the guy came by in the car, the woman didn't step out and he missed
her. The next time he came by the other two women (one like 63 and the
other in her seventies) each grabbed the victim under the arm and
shoved her out in front of the car. The guy backed up and ran over her
again just to make sure.

Michael Cash

Dec 6, 2001, 6:40:25 AM12/6/01
On Thu, 06 Dec 2001 19:11:34 +0900, (matsuda)
timidly twittered:

>In article <9unfh2$qtk$>,
>"Ryan Ginstrom" <> wrote:
>:Something I have always wanted to know -- are these included in the murder
>Probably yes, because the cases are sent to prosecutor's office.
>But, in Japanese juridical system, those who are dead will not be prosecuted.

They may as well prosecute the dead. With the glacial pace of the
courts lots of the principals involved are dead before cases get
resolved anyway.


Dec 6, 2001, 6:37:23 AM12/6/01
I have no idea of the actual value of this stuff ( I just Googled for it)

seems rather strange if you ask me ....

"The Universality of Incest
Lloyd DeMause

The Journal of Psychohistory, Fall 1991, Vol. 19, No. 2

Japan began to move beyond the infanticidal mode of childrearing at least
two centuries ago.(146) Therefore, reliable accounts of traditional Japanese
childhood sexual life are harder to find. Furthermore, there is currently
such a taboo on talking about sexual molestation of children that current
official figures report only a few hundred cases per year in all of
Japan.(147) Although some recent visitors to Japan, witnessing almost
everyone reading soft-core pornographic comics (manga) that feature young
girls "being accosted, surprised, tied up, beaten, knifed [and]
tortured,(148) wonder whether the very low official child abuse figures
reported are accurate, personal letters I have written to an-thropologists,
educators, psychoanalysts and others specializing in Japanese psychology
have brought nothing but denial that sexual molestation exists in
substantial numbers of families in Japan today.

Ancient Japan resembled both India and China in having institutionalized
Greek-style pederasty of boys - by priests as well as warriors - temple
prostitution of both boys and girls, and widespread child prostitution,
including the ancient geisha system.(149) Japanese brothels would start
girls in sexual service at S to 7 years old.(150) Pederasty (shudo) by the
aristocracy and priesthood is well documented since at least the 14th
century, with young boys given by their parents to be used anally by
samurais and by priests in monasteries - the buggered boys sometimes having
been worshipped as gods incarnate in religious cults similar to those of the
cult of the Virgin in the West.(151)

One of the most endogenous societies in the world, Japan has approved of
incestuous marriages in court circles even in historical times.(152)
Preferred sibling, cousin, uncle-niece and aunt-nephew marriages have been
so extensive that genetics experts have discovered that the inbreeding has
affected their size and health.(153) How often this incestuous marriage
system occurred in traditional Japan is still largely unexplored. One
indication of what is likely to be found is a 1959 study by Kubo showing
that there were still rural areas in Japan where fathers married their
daughters when the mother had died or was incapacitated, "in accordance with
feudal family traditions.(154) Kubo concluded that incest was considered
"praiseworthy conduct" in many traditional rural families. In the 36 incest
cases he studied in Hiroshima, he found that there was often community moral
disapproval of the families who lived in open incestuous marriages, but that
the participants themselves did not think of it as immoral. In fact, when
the father was unavailable to head the family, his son often took over his
role and had sex with his sister in order "to end confusion in the order of
the home." Other members of the family accepted this incest as normal.

In traditional Japan, quite young girls were introduced into sex by older
boys who visited their bedrooms at night with the complicity of the girl's
parents (called night-prowling, yobai). The boys "assembled in communal huts
and instructed slightly younger village males in sex approaches and
techniques..." Although they recommended "gentle persuasion,"(155) there was
no guarantee that all was so gentle in fact, since the parents "looked the
other way" in accordance with custom while the older boys had intercourse
with their young daughters.

Western observers even today often notice that Japanese mothers still
masturbate their young children during the day in public and at night in the
family bed - in order, they say, "to put them to sleep."(156) The average
Japanese today sleeps with his or her children until the children are ten or
fifteen years old,"(157) - one recent Japanese study found daughters still
sleeping with their fathers over 20 percent of the time even after age
sixteen.(158) Even when the home contains a dozen rooms or more, parents and
grandparents feel "lonely" if they sleep apart from
the children in the family, and therefore go to bed with some child every
night (the mean age in one study of children sleeping alone is 12.7
years).(159) Since so many families still practice what is termed dakine
co-sleeping - with the parent or grandparent sleeping while physically
embracing the child, a practice said to be beneficial to the health of the
adult"(160) - and since most Japanese parents still regularly have sexual
in-tercourse while the child is in bed with them,(161) one wonders how
scholars can continue to maintain that nothing sexual usually happens to the
Japanese child in the family bed, particularly since none have yet ask-ed
the children themselves about their sexual experiences.

This stone wall on information about incest in Japan has been breach-ed
somewhat by four recent studies. The first is a Japanese feminist sex survey
modeled on those of Shere Hite that reported one-third of the respondents
having memories of being sexually abused by relatives or close friends as
children, a figure considerably higher than comparable American
questionnaire studies.(162) Secondly, other studies show that the majority
of urban parents in 1981 reported that they had lately begun to be bothered
by the thought that children with whom they slept might be aware of their
intercourse - a growing guilt about incestuous activities that was
increasingly common in the West in early modern times and which led for the
first time to separate beds for children.(163)

Thirdly, two recent books on Japanese incest provide new insights into the
subject. The first is a report of a "hotline" set up in Tokyo by a
counseling service, which analyzed the hundreds of calls they received
dealing with incest.(164) Since official Japanese statistics deny the
occurrence of incest, they were surprised to find that their hotline was
flooded with such calls. One of their major findings is that, in addition to
the usual father-daughter and sibling incest found in the West, 29 percent
of the Japanese calls complained about mother - son incest. This is an
extremely high proportion compared to other countries, but about what could
be expected considering the common frequency with which Japanese mothers
sleep alone with their sons while the father is out having sex with other
women - extramarital sex still being the rule for most married men in

The most commonly reported incest occurs when the mother sees her son
masturbate as a teenager and tells him, "It's not good to do it alone. Your
IQ becomes lower. I will help you," or "You cannot study if you cannot have
sex. You may use my body," or "I don't want you to get into trouble with a
girl. Have sex with me instead."(166) The researchers found that Japanese
mothers and sons often sleep in the same bed and have sex together, although
the exact incidence in the population was not investigated. According to the
phone interviews, Japanese mothers teach their sons how to masturbate,
helping them to achieve first ejaculation in much the same manner as they
earlier helped them with toilet training.(167) Most of the sons had no
sexual experience with another woman, and became jealous of the mothers'
having sex with their fathers, feeling they should have the right to
monopolize the mothers - perhaps helping explain why one informant told a
family planning expert: "We have no Oedipal problems in Japan - there's no
competition from the father.(168) Mother recent Japanese book, based on one
hundred incest reports, confirms these observations, including the unusually
high rate of mother - son incest, although it, too, provides no way to
determine true national incidence rates.(169)

Finally, a recent psychohistoncal study of Japanese childhood by Kitahara
(170) provides a number of new details about Japanese incest, in-cluding the
acceptance of sibling incest in early historic times, the routine acceptance
of pederasty up until recently, the wide extent even today of co-sleeping
and co-bathing, and the degree to which incest depends on co-sleeping
patterns and upon the very limited contact fathers have with their families


Michael Cash

Dec 6, 2001, 6:56:40 AM12/6/01
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 12:37:23 +0100, "Benga"
<> timidly twittered:

>Thirdly, two recent books on Japanese incest provide new insights into the
>subject. The first is a report of a "hotline" set up in Tokyo by a
>counseling service, which analyzed the hundreds of calls they received
>dealing with incest.(164) Since official Japanese statistics deny the
>occurrence of incest, they were surprised to find that their hotline was
>flooded with such calls. One of their major findings is that, in addition to
>the usual father-daughter and sibling incest found in the West, 29 percent
>of the Japanese calls complained about mother - son incest. This is an
>extremely high proportion compared to other countries, but about what could
>be expected considering the common frequency with which Japanese mothers
>sleep alone with their sons while the father is out having sex with other
>women - extramarital sex still being the rule for most married men in

Yep, that's the book I read.

Aika Florence Yasui

Dec 6, 2001, 4:07:40 AM12/6/01
Uminchu wrote:

> I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> distracted from their schoolwork.

And how is THIS not distracting the boys from their schoolwork? Everything else
"at that age" distract them from schoolwork, but this beats them all. If this
has been done, I'd think, the boys will never get to work (unless of course,
those mothers use it as "positive reinforcement" for getting the schoolwork

Aika Florence Yasui, MSIT
Developer/Instructional Designer
Interactive Marketing

L-A Advertising

Buttsex Optimus

Dec 6, 2001, 9:16:52 AM12/6/01
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 12:37:23 +0100, "Benga"
<> wrote:

>I have no idea of the actual value of this stuff ( I just Googled for it)
>seems rather strange if you ask me ....

It *is* rather strange, and if you check the citation list most of the
references for the section on Japan (especially), they're other
articles from the same journal. And I've never heard of the journal;
it's certainly not something like the New England Journal of Health.
It appears to be a sort of critical analysis circular, which means
it's the closest thing to a Xeroxed poetry rag as it can possibly be
while still having citations.

The article itself is terrifying; the author's biases are obvious,
pervasive, and Freudian. His major thesis is that something like 45-60
percent of all children have endured incest - doubly creepy given his
use of Freud at the beginning of the article (Freud more or less
claimed that children exhibiting certain behaviors have been sexually
abused, and then found the behavior in an abnormally high percentage
of children, and considered his theory proved. He was instrumental in
a few cases of *causing* sexual weirdness within families.)

In the Japan section the author even proudly refers to the results of
a "Shere Hite style poll" to determine abuse rates - the methodology
of Hite is famously dumb (it's the textbook example of dumb) - she
sent out polls in womens' magazines and only counted the returned
results. And, naturally, the kind of person who would fill out and
return an unexpected sex survey is not a representative of the
societal norm. From this and other hints, I don't think it's a
particularly reliable article

Taro Yamada

Dec 6, 2001, 10:09:50 AM12/6/01
Here are some Japanese references and translated works on incest:


Taro Yamada

Dec 6, 2001, 10:15:57 AM12/6/01

Taro Yamada <> wrote in message

> Here are some Japanese references and translated works on incest:

For incest "otaku". ;-)


Aika Florence Yasui

Dec 6, 2001, 6:28:56 AM12/6/01
Benga wrote:

> I have no idea of the actual value of this stuff ( I just Googled for it)
> seems rather strange if you ask me ....
> "The Universality of Incest
> Lloyd DeMause

Granted I haven't been back to Japan for the past 11 years, I did spend my
childhood and most of my puberty in Japan, so I think (at least, I hope) I'd
know what's "common" and what's not ... unless, of course, I was living in this
hole in the ground (hey you never know).

I can imagine there are occurance of incidences as described in this article. We
see and hear strange things all over the world, not just in Japan. The rate of
it, however, I wouldn't know. I personally think (since I can't PROVE so) that
their numbers are overly exaggerated ... and I trully hope they are.

My husband, who is also Japanese (though he's lived in the US for over 10
years), had said that a lot of information in this article is also news to him.
He just can't imagine these things happening.

My main comments:

1. It is true that Japanese children tend to sleep in the same area or even same
bed until much later age than Westerners (if at all). Though I don't recall
sleeping in my parents' bed at all, my husband did say that he was sleeping in
the same bed with his parents until he was 10 or so, and in his case it was
because of lack of space. Furthermore, children take bath with mom/dad
relatively regularly until at least puberty, because that's the "norm."

2, "Yobai" was a regular occurrence one time or another in Japan. We know that.
But we'd be damned if it was still a regular event at this date in the city ...
and we both grew up in the city. (Hey, if it did happen, how come we never got
to hear these "fun" stories from our pals? Heh.)

3, Often times, Japanese comedians make fun of rural Japanese people, saying
that they sleep with their close relatives ... much the same way American
comedians make fun of rednecks. We don't know exactly how often these kind of
things happen, but if you really think about it, people don't make fun of
something that occurs regularly. The fact that comedians use this material of
which to make fun tells me that it is at the least a taboo by majority. Or am I

> Western observers even today often notice that Japanese mothers still
> masturbate their young children during the day in public and at night in the
> family bed - in order, they say, "to put them to sleep."(156) The average
> Japanese today sleeps with his or her children until the children are ten or
> fifteen years old,"(157) - one recent Japanese study found daughters still
> sleeping with their fathers over 20 percent of the time even after age
> sixteen.(158) Even when the home contains a dozen rooms or more, parents and
> grandparents feel "lonely" if they sleep apart from the children in the
> family, and therefore go to bed with some child every night (the mean age in
> one study of children sleeping alone is 12.7 years).(159) Since so many
> families still practice what is termed dakine co-sleeping - with the parent or
> grandparent sleeping while physically embracing the child, a practice said to
> be beneficial to the health of the adult"(160) - and since most Japanese
> parents still regularly have sexual in-tercourse while the child is in bed
> with them,(161) one wonders how scholars can continue to maintain that nothing
> sexual usually happens to the Japanese child in the family bed, particularly
> since none have yet ask-ed
> the children themselves about their sexual experiences.

This, I simply have hard time believing. I've never seen the occurrence (in
public, they say?) nor heard of the occurrence. Or have I been so overprotected
by my abusive stepmother that I don't know about anything happening around me?

> extramarital sex still being the rule for most married men in Japan.(165)

This bothers me a lot, as did my husband. Extra-marital affairs are
"understood"? Is that what I'm reading?? As far as I knew, if someone I knew
would have said "my husband is cheating on me..." our reaction would have been
"Gasp! ...we are sorry to hear that. What do you plan to do about it?" We
certainly didn't say "oh well, that's how it is." If this is a common
occurrence, then why would people watch soap operas in Japan? They've got the
better thing happening in real life.

Meanwhile, I really liked one of the comments my husband made after reading this
article. He said, "I suppose the fact that us (Japanese) typically co-bathe with
complete strangers at those public baths would make us ultimate gang-bang maniac
race, wouldn't it? " LOL.

Aika Florence Yasui, MSIT
Developer/Instructional Designer
Interactive Marketing

L-A Advertising


Dec 6, 2001, 11:54:34 AM12/6/01
Benga wrote:
> I have no idea of the actual value of this stuff ( I just Googled for it)
> seems rather strange if you ask me ....

It states that: "Japanese mothers teach their sons how to masturbate."
This one is news to me. Have any of your Japanese mother helped you out?
I do agree about the co-bathing habits, I used to bathe with my mother,
aunt, grandmother,
relatives, friends. Yet don't recall ever being molested tho.

> "The Universality of Incest
> Lloyd DeMause
> The Journal of Psychohistory, Fall 1991, Vol. 19, No. 2


Michael Khan

Dec 6, 2001, 11:42:44 AM12/6/01

Aika Florence Yasui wrote:
> Benga wrote:

> > extramarital sex still being the rule for most married men in Japan.(165)
> This bothers me a lot, as did my husband. Extra-marital affairs are
> "understood"? Is that what I'm reading?? As far as I knew, if someone I knew
> would have said "my husband is cheating on me..." our reaction would have been
> "Gasp! ...we are sorry to hear that. What do you plan to do about it?" We
> certainly didn't say "oh well, that's how it is." If this is a common
> occurrence, then why would people watch soap operas in Japan? They've got the
> better thing happening in real life.

I can't comment on any of the other assertions made in the cited
article. I assume many of these be simply wrong and far-fetched, others
wild exaggerations of certainly existing instances.

However, on this one item, I believe that you are mixing up different
things. First off, "extramnarital sex" is not to be equated with
"extramarital affairs". Extramarital sex is also what goes on in
soaplands or other forms of prostitution, also enjo kosai and blow-job
bars. The guy pays, gets done, and leaves. That's it, end of the matter,
risk of detection, nil, after all, it happened while going out with the
guys after work or on a business trip, so who's going to squeal on
anyone? So it is sex, it is extramarital, since the woman involved is
not the one he's married to, but an affair, it's not. And it's a major
industry in Japan, that nobody can deny.

An affair - a protacted love affair with another, possible also married
woman - is a totally different matter altogether and of course runs a
far higher risk of detection, blackmail, emotional entanglement and
other such nuisances for the man involved. Very messy, that, and it
might harm one's career.

Aika Florence Yasui

Dec 6, 2001, 7:53:25 AM12/6/01
Michael Khan wrote:

> Aika Florence Yasui wrote:
> >
> > Benga wrote:
> > > extramarital sex still being the rule for most married men in Japan.(165)
> >
> > This bothers me a lot, as did my husband. Extra-marital affairs are
> > "understood"? Is that what I'm reading?? As far as I knew, if someone I knew
> > would have said "my husband is cheating on me..." our reaction would have been
> > "Gasp! ...we are sorry to hear that. What do you plan to do about it?" We
> > certainly didn't say "oh well, that's how it is." If this is a common
> > occurrence, then why would people watch soap operas in Japan? They've got the
> > better thing happening in real life.
> I can't comment on any of the other assertions made in the cited
> article. I assume many of these be simply wrong and far-fetched, others
> wild exaggerations of certainly existing instances.

I think, and I REALLY, really hope so.

> However, on this one item, I believe that you are mixing up different
> things. First off, "extramnarital sex" is not to be equated with
> "extramarital affairs". Extramarital sex is also what goes on in
> soaplands or other forms of prostitution, also enjo kosai and blow-job
> bars. The guy pays, gets done, and leaves. That's it, end of the matter,
> risk of detection, nil, after all, it happened while going out with the
> guys after work or on a business trip, so who's going to squeal on
> anyone? So it is sex, it is extramarital, since the woman involved is
> not the one he's married to, but an affair, it's not. And it's a major
> industry in Japan, that nobody can deny.

Ah, that does make sense. I actually didn't think about the difference of
extramarital "sex" and "affair," How shallow of me. But now that you tell me, yes,
that is true. You are talking about one of those ... whatchamacallit ... "soap
land," was it? Of course, I still don't know how "common" these occurrences are
(though I definitely would not deny the fact that the industry is fairly large, not
to mention lasting) because none of my male relatives, or male relatives of my
friends never had the experience of going to such a place. They always did make fun
of it, what it'd be like to go there, etc. So as a kid, I'd always thought it's
something a very few people do ... that was the impression on the innocent mind at
the time.

> An affair - a protacted love affair with another, possible also married
> woman - is a totally different matter altogether and of course runs a
> far higher risk of detection, blackmail, emotional entanglement and
> other such nuisances for the man involved. Very messy, that, and it
> might harm one's career.



Dec 6, 2001, 7:59:27 PM12/6/01
The Asahi Geinou is a particular favorite of mine when I want to get REALLY
lowbrow. It makes
the National Enquirer look like the NY Times.

May 3, 2017, 9:12:55 AM5/3/17
On Wednesday, December 5, 2001 at 9:35:52 PM UTC+2, Kaminarikun wrote:
> Uminchu wrote:
> > Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> > perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> > distracted from their schoolwork. That is one of the "sickest" things I've
> > heard, but the people who I heard it from didn't think it was sick, just the
> > way things are, like some cultures who eat dogs & cats. When I asked my wife
> > about it, she said that she heard such things as well, but doesn't know how
> > "common" it is. She's never known anyone to admit such things, even if it
> > were true. She says it's not something Japanese would openly discuss, unlike
> > the sickos in America who would go on daytime TV shows (like Jerry Springer)
> > to tell everyone about their sickness. I was shocked to hear such things,
> > especially since I have such high regard for the Japanese culture (that
> > reminds me of the day my Korean barber told me "Dog meat taste very good."
> >
> > Does this really happen? How "common" is it? And what other types of incest
> > happen there? Why is it not considered "shocking" news?
> >
> > Uminchu / naive and disillusioned
> Geee blow job by Japanese mothers. Maybe it's an isolated case rather
> something that's common. Hopefully.
> , although anything in
> possible, I eah, how common? I sure didn't experenced it nor hear about
> some

May 3, 2017, 9:14:35 AM5/3/17
On Wednesday, December 5, 2001 at 9:11:33 PM UTC+2, Uminchu wrote:
> Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> distracted from their schoolwork. That is one of the "sickest" things I've
> heard, but the people who I heard it from didn't think it was sick, just thei
> way things are, like some cultures who eat dogs & cats. When I asked my wife
> about it, she said that she heard such things as well, but doesn't know how
> "common" it is. She's never known anyone to admit such things, even if it
> were true. She says it's not something Japanese would openly discuss, unlike
> the sickos in America who would go on daytime TV shows (like Jerry Springer)
> to tell everyone about their sickness. I was shocked to hear such things,
> especially since I have such high regard for the Japanese culture (that
> reminds me of the day my Korean barber told me "Dog meat taste very good."
> Does this really happen? How "common" is it? And what other types of incest
> happen there? Why is it not considered "shocking" news?
> Uminchu / naive and disillusioned

i think it's a good action

Jan 8, 2020, 12:47:23 PM1/8/20
On Wednesday, December 5, 2001 at 2:11:33 PM UTC-5, Uminchu wrote:
> Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> distracted from their schoolwork. That is one of the "sickest" things I've
> heard, but the people who I heard it from didn't think it was sick, just the

Rick D. in Rochester, NY

Jan 8, 2020, 1:30:53 PM1/8/20
There's all the excitement about whether Japanese mothers and sons get it on but nobody addresses what COMMONLY happened in America, when Pioneer families were settling the west and the husband was killed by Indians, snakebite, thrown from his horse, killed in a stampede, range fire, wild animal attack and dozens of other ways. The families were spread out with many MILES between their homesteads or to the nearest settlement and such trips were so hard to make and time consuming that they were rarely made. Therefore, guess who inherited the duty of servicing his mom's and sisters pussies. ... their oldest son, who impregnated mom and his sisters.
There were no county seats to record births, parent's names or their relationship but that information was recorded in the back pages of the family Bibles and passed on to the next generation.

When fucking your mother, daughter and sister became illegal, nobody talked about who they were fucking and just kept on fucking them. Also, so that no one could use the information to publicly shame them, nobody let anyone see what was written on the pages of their family Bibles.
A father fucking his daughters or a son fucking his mother and sisters and getting them pregnant is harmless, as long as there's no flaw in their genetic makeup. The children they produce will be just as healthy as they are. At night they went to bed and fucked their mothers, sisters and daughters. In the mornings, they woke up, tore off a nice piece of ass from Mom, Sis or, if it's the widower husband, one of his daughters, and then went out and built a nation.

GOVERNMENT and RELIGION are the flaws in civilization. They foster hypocrisy and bigotry.

May 14, 2020, 9:01:29 PM5/14/20
On Wednesday, December 5, 2001 at 1:11:33 PM UTC-6, Uminchu wrote:
> Please say it isn't so! I hear that it is common in Japan for mothers to
> perform oral sex on their sons who are "at that age" in order to not be
> distracted from their schoolwork. That is one of the "sickest" things I've
> heard, but the people who I heard it from didn't think it was sick, just the
> way things are, like some cultures who eat dogs & cats. When I asked my wife
> about it, she said that she heard such things as well, but doesn't know how
> "common" it is. She's never known anyone to admit such things, even if it
> were true. She says it's not something Japanese would openly discuss, unlike
> the sickos in America who would go on daytime TV shows (like Jerry Springer)
> to tell everyone about their sickness. I was shocked to hear such things,
> especially since I have such high regard for the Japanese culture (that
> reminds me of the day my Korean barber told me "Dog meat taste very good."
> Does this really happen? How "common" is it? And what other types of incest
> happen there? Why is it not considered "shocking" news?
> Uminchu / naive and disillusioned

It's been going in Japan for centuries. Until recently most of Japan was committing incest and a product of incest. The Girl Next Door was 9/10 the product of a mother-son sexual relationship. Even in the 90s's there were places where real mothers and sons would have sex with each other in front of a willing audience. Many times these mothers would get pregnant. The Japanese culture pretty much replaced the father with the son. Essentially the dad's Beta Bucks while the Son of is the Alpha Stud. Even when the son marries the mom would literally be her son's mistress/ other woman. But she wouldn't have sex with her husband.

Aug 4, 2020, 1:40:27 AM8/4/20
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