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Where are all the younger folks

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Nov 23, 2018, 2:32:20 AM11/23/18
Everywhere I go there are plenty of more like 70 year old or higher people.
Is it just this Wakayama area?
Seems like the general population is so old.


Nov 23, 2018, 4:55:55 AM11/23/18
I live in Ibaraki. More than half of all cars have the four color,four
leaf stickers front and back and the speed limit is about 30kph ... not
because of the roads, because of the drivers. On the streets around the
neighborhood we live in there are about half a dozen different Day
Service vans making pickups every day.

When the local Matsumoto Kiyoshi has two separate aisles devoted to
adult diapers, it gets depressing to go shopping.



Nov 23, 2018, 6:18:05 AM11/23/18
I should be happy that it's not as bad as that around here.
May be all the young folks have either habitated to more popular areas or they are all going to work before I wake up and coming home from work after I have gone in for the day.

Shannon Jacobs

Aug 22, 2019, 4:25:46 AM8/22/19
I thought you were talking about this group, and the obvious answer is that the young people have no idea this place ever existed. If the google decides something isn't visible, it isn't going to show up much, if anywhere.

John W.

Aug 22, 2019, 12:32:33 PM8/22/19
I am always a bit surprised when Google emails me that an update has been made to this group.

John W.

Aug 22, 2019, 12:35:14 PM8/22/19
While the general Japanese population is getting older on average all the time, it might be related to when you go out and where. In Himeji there are plenty of young people out and about, especially on weekends near the trendier shopping areas. Go to the old shotengai on a Tuesday and it's a different story.

Jim Breen

Aug 22, 2019, 7:02:11 PM8/22/19
On Friday, 23 August 2019 02:32:33 UTC+10, John W. wrote:

> I am always a bit surprised when Google emails me that an update has been made to this group.

Is there a Google Group setting for that?

I get postings from fjlij, slj, etc. emailed to me by running
a script called "newsdeliver" every few minutes. It points at
an NNTP server.


Band Beyond You

Aug 23, 2019, 12:38:02 AM8/23/19
I just open my NewsTap for iOS or Unison for Mac, and in the rare event
there’s something to read in, it’ll show as a group with
new posts, among the other scintillating Usenet content that continues
among my various fave groups in 2019...

I am pleased when there is something to see here, tbh...but I wanna know:
what happened to all the Michael Cash posts?!

Jim Breen

Aug 23, 2019, 1:54:22 AM8/23/19
On Friday, 23 August 2019 14:38:02 UTC+10, Band Beyond You wrote:
> Jim Breen <> wrote:

> > Is there a Google Group setting for that?
> >
> > I get postings from fjlij, slj, etc. emailed to me by running
> > a script called "newsdeliver" every few minutes. It points at

> I just open my NewsTap for iOS or Unison for Mac, and in the rare event
> there’s something to read in, it’ll show as a group with
> new posts, among the other scintillating Usenet content that continues
> among my various fave groups in 2019...

I can do something similar in the Feedly RSS reader, which I have set to
tap into a few old Usenet groups. I'd rather not have to keep checking
that way, so I prefer to have any postings emailed to me.

> I am pleased when there is something to see here, tbh...but I wanna know:
> what happened to all the Michael Cash posts?!

He may have had them removed. He went very quiet, I think deliberately.
He popped up a few years back on "The Japanese Page" site, just about
the time it began to lose custom. (It seems to have faded completely.)



Aug 23, 2019, 10:10:42 AM8/23/19
I am notified of new posts through the app.
I just figured the group had dwindled down because of other technology. (and certain posters creating unsavory communication).
Heck, I'm still using notepad.

Shannon Jacobs

Aug 24, 2019, 11:20:40 PM8/24/19
Pretty sure the Google Groups setting is how I'm getting these emailed notifications (without any links?), but I think it's basically an orphaned software thing. If the google notices it's still running, they will probably nuke it. I'm assuming they will be able to track it down in that case.

My own reference was basically to the so-called millennials. They never saw usenet in any of its flavors, and wouldn't know what any of this is talking about...

So let me test and see which of my ancient links still go anywhere...!forum/alt.usage.english seems to work well and the group seems to be quite active, much to my surprise.!forum/sci.lang.japan responded, but seems to be running a few posts per month.!forum/android-discussion-forum has nothing for this year, and was quite slow before that.

I think usenet was a good thing, but lacked a sustainable business model when perpetual September struck. I can conceive of one now, but it's too late, as Carole King sang.
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