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How to watch my favorite teams while visiting Japan

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Aug 19, 2016, 8:03:12 PM8/19/16
I'm from North Carolina and will be in Osaka over the next 3 months.
How can I Watch my Carolina Panthers (NFL).
And Carolina Tarheels(ACC)?

John W.

Aug 23, 2016, 2:27:22 PM8/23/16
Both teams are blocked from watching in Japan, as they should be anywhere in the world.

I'm kidding, of course. But a guy can hope!

It is a struggle to watch foreign *anything* in Japan; even online it gets blocked unless you have a VPN or something set up that allows you to watch US-based sports shows. There are some cable channels I hear that show some sports; but it's selective.

One option is to find a friend in the US to record the stuff you want to watch and work out a way to get that file/stream. I've known people who have done that; Slingbox used to allow this, so you might look into that.

John "the suffering Tennessee fan" W.


Aug 26, 2016, 7:17:17 PM8/26/16

It seems like I will have to get my news 2nd hand.

Similarly I noticed while watching the Olympics over the last couple of weeks from here in Charlotte, NC that it was hard to keep up with the Japan athletes.
I appreciate your reply.

John W.

Aug 30, 2016, 3:04:27 PM8/30/16
I've thought about this a bit, and while I hesitate telling anyone to go to a "gaijin bar" on a regular basis, you might make friendly with the bartenders in such places and see if they can show your games; I've heard that it's possible. There are Japanese bars that do this as well, but I don't know any in Osaka (could possibly remember the place that did this in Himeji, but that would be a pain to go all the way out there just for that - though you should get out to Himeji if at all possible and spend the day).

Option 2: Join one of the foreign clubs (Kobe Club, for example). It's pricey, and I've never done it for that reason; but they sometimes show international sports.

John W.

Band Beyond You

Aug 31, 2016, 11:34:35 AM8/31/16
Or as I suggested previously (though I think my post may have not been
archived, so am reposting), (or the NFL app) is a one-off reasonably
priced purchase for an AmeFuto fan, and you don't have to run around or do
much extended research to access or acquire it. Not sure about NCAA, but
these days there's likely a similar Internet-based subscription option for
college football too...

As John noted, making friends with bartenders is always a good idea too in

----> Purchase an NFL Game Pass 2016 subscription, whether via Web, Apple
TV (or the like) or mobile app (that you can watch on your device or stream
to a TV).
I don't do NFL, but friends do; although a very few games are broadcast in
Japan on NHK (and maybe other sources these days?), as NFL subscribers,
they're able to view any game on demand.

IIRC, NFL used to also be broadcast occasionally on GAORA and NHK
cable/satellite TV in Japan...but if I were you, I'd go with the NFL Game
Pass subscription; that way you can be assured of seeing what you want when
you want to see it, and exclude any middlemen whose access, legality and
quality control are suspect...

Personally I am a longtime subscriber to MLB.TV, but the same holds true
(to be able to view any game or highlights, on demand,
internationally...note that if you're in the US, blackout rules may
apply...always read the fine print before purchase).

Good luck and let us know how it works out for you.

Sep 9, 2016, 6:15:27 PM9/9/16
There's a website called Has lots of things, including
all the NFL games. Works best with Firefox, OK, with Chrome.


John W.

Sep 10, 2016, 10:25:58 PM9/10/16
On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 8:03:12 PM UTC-4, Frankie wrote:
Will you be in "Osaka" (meaning, actually in the city), or will you be in the Osaka area? Just curious; we get so little traffic on this NG these days.

John W.


Oct 1, 2017, 8:34:55 PM10/1/17
Sorry, I got wrapped up in things.
I went and stayed 2 weeks.
I'm going back soon to do it again.
It's actually in Wakayama.
I say Osaka habitually because most folks are more familiar with it.

Band Beyond You

Oct 1, 2017, 10:20:03 PM10/1/17
It’s always more comfortable to travel with a recliner (or am I mixing up
threads)...! Haha...

John W.

Oct 2, 2017, 8:35:59 AM10/2/17
Should get one of those inflatable chairs. Or, if lonely, an inflatable person and kill two birds with one stone.
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