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Is VB still alive?

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Feb 25, 2004, 12:45:26 PM2/25/04
Hi, I work predominately in Access but used to use VB quite bit.
I left that arena because of things I had heard concerning the death of VB
and the birth of VB.Net (which scared the heck out of me. It seemed
I turned around there was some blockade/OS/Java thing that I just couldn't
keep up.
Is VB 6.0 still the current version? Are there plans for continuing this
non-internet version?
Is VB.Net really that different - can it be used for non-internet
applications and is the purchase
really worth it? Very in the dark and needing a clue... Thanks

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Jan 18, 2005, 7:07:57 PM1/18/05
I dunno exactly how different .NET is, but I believe that it isn't just
an update - it's an overhaul. The .NET is just referring to the new
.NET framework (I believe the whole Signin.NET on several MS webpages
has something to do with it). In my opinion, VB6 is still alive, and
will be, since many will be hesitant to make the jump.

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