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what's the plan?

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Apr 13, 2018, 5:45:02 AM4/13/18
to Fizzygum
I got a couple of questions about "what's the plan" via mail, so I'd anticipate this might be of interest.

Also I think it's a matter of openness and clearness to give at least an idea about the plan.


1) Fizzygum is just me at the moment. It might have a couple of friends orbiting around the project in case of expansion, but the state of affairs is that this is a one-person project for the time being. I'll often use "we" generically though, as to say "whoever Fizzygum will end up being".
2) I'm outside of the "funding"/"residencies" circuits

So this is the plan A.

Short term: I am looking for paying clients wanting to use Fizzygum for their projects. *. Things like "making dashboards" should be sellable for example. Fizzygum is not a company, so the projects would happen through a "help/support" company.

Long term: Fizzygum will remain MIT licensed (potentially with a "staggered release to open source" approach). Ideally, it will expand its team and keep improving via intense refactoring, profiling, new widgets and entirely new capabilities. More clients, more Fizzygum.

Any thoughts/comments or help to find cleints is very welcome.

The reason is that _most_ of the work behind Fizzygum is boring "perspiration" work that can only scale-up as compensated work. I'm referring to test maintenance in particular. I'm currently maintaining 200 end-to-end tests (which are not public at the moment), and they require compensated people to keep existing and improving: they require very long, very tedius, very meticulous work that cannot possibly scale-up on a "special interest" basis...
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