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Can World Federalism 'fix' global economic problems?

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Dec 18, 2022, 3:14:49 PM12/18/22
to Fixing The Global Economy Through World Federalism
This group was initiated by the Toronto Region Branch of the World Federalist Movement-Canada as an outcome of Peter Venton's Zoom presentation and discussion Nov 16 2022. See a summary of that presentation where Peter made a number of recommendations for change to the IMF, WTO and World Bank.

On Dec 16th the Branch held another open discussion with Peter about his recommendations where I noted two more key thoughts, and muse about actions WFMC-Toronto might take:
  1. The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals have universal application, but Canada is taking hardly any action within its own borders to achieve them for Canadians. Much of what the SDGs cover is about a just economy for all, and we are far from it in Canada. Their impact for Canada needs to be more clearly understood by Canadians if we are to be good global citizens. Maybe by promoting the SDGs for Canada WFMC-T can help raise citizen thinking to the global level, to enable thinking about improving global governance and World Federalism. A World Federation would not tell countries how to enact the SDGs in 'their' land, but should enable the adoption of a whole range of policies at the global level that would help progress on the SDGs while. A World Federation would also help shine 'sanitizing' light on countries lagging behind the global norms represented in the SDGs. So a World Federation is not only helpful in achieving the SDG's it may be the key enabling action that can force shifts in global policies at places like the IMF, WTO and World Bank, as well as many other areas.
  2. Global taxation on some basis is needed to address global level challenges. The funding basis of UN activities cannot be based on voluntary contributions, or those countries not liking some element will just not pay up. Something like a "Tobin Tax" collected by banks on currency exchanges could be used to support UN goals. Or maybe a carbon tax or border carbon adjustment, or an aircraft tax, or ...... But "taxation without representation" has proven to be a bad idea, so first we need a UN with legislative, executive and juridical powers = a World Federation. A UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) may be a step in that direction so WFMC-T could press that campaign forward in Canada.
Between these two thoughts and Peter's other 11 suggestions we need to decide what World Federalists should promote. Maybe the national Board's current strategic planning process can help focus these matters.
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